Chapter 22: Odesson

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"Odesson?" Lux asks. "I've never heard of it." He says. "Are you sure?"

"You heard it too. I guess we'll have to let the force guide us." Ahsoka implies

The two head back to the ship leaving the desolate planet behind. Traveling to the dead of space above the planet.

"He said to let our emotions drive us right?" Lux asks.

"Yeah, but an unknown planet. I don't know. Yoda would have the answer." Ahsoka says sadly.

"Hey, we'll figure it out." He kisses her passionately. Ashoka kissing back, smile across her face, letting go for a breath, then returning not to his lips, but to his neck. Humans skin was vulnerable to marks in this sort of passion. So she sucked, his neck, nibbling causing a mark, but causing a moan from him. "Ahsoka-" He let out, biting his own lip. She found her way back to his lips, kissing him more, as he lead them to her room. Him falling back onto the bed, tugging at her clothes she wore so loosely.

The engine began to purr. Controls moving themselves, the ship jumping into hyperspace.

"Do you hear that?" Ahsoka asks, but she's pulled back into a kiss.

"It's probably nothing-" Lux says, but then the obvious noise of jumping into hyperspace caught them both off guard. "What the kriff?" He says aloud as they walk to the cockpit.

"Last time I saw this my masters and I got pulled into Mortis-" She says looking at where the ships is planning on coming out of hyperspace. Both her and Lux sitting down watching as the color change to a more greenish purple compared to the blue of hyperspace. "We're in wild space-" She lets out.

"Yeah this is freaky." He says in a faint whisper.

Soon after the ship comes out of hyperspace, revealing a planet, filled with yellow, green, and blue. The ship flies itself into the atmosphere, not letting much time for the planet to be seen. Flying into the atmosphere, trees, water, whispy clouds, and birds flew around.

"Woah!" Ahsoka says loudly.

"What's happening right now? We're not doing anything. Why is the ship flying itself?" Lux asks concerned.

"It seems the force is guiding us." She says smiling at the natural presentation fo this unknown planet, soon seeing a base, filled with older weapons and three bigger buildings. "His base." She shakes her head in disbelief.

The ship lands itself on the ship docking area, the bay doors opening. The two do as they were told earlier, exploring the area searching for the war planning room, walking through a cantina, that was homey, seeing an activities area, a room for force sensitives, a smugglers den, a hangar with old republic ships and some old Sith empire ships and ships that were unknown to both Lux and Ahsoka. Finally, finding the room the mysterious Jedi spoke of, the door opening itself.

"There it is." Lux says pointing at the holocron.

The holocron opens on its own.

"Welcome to where I commanded a coalition of both sides of our galactic governments to take down a bigger threat. You're probably wondering how you got here. When you opened the other holocron, it sent a surge through the force connecting to this holocron, leading you here. I told you, the force is not a weapon, it's a guide. A living being, when you work along side the force, it grants you sights, and powers other seen unimaginable. Odesson is a planet balanced perfectly in the force, one of a kind. Another planet tries to have the perfect balance. A planet called Mortis, but that planet is not ruled by the force, but ruled by dieties of the force. The brother, the sister, the mother, and the father. The father represents control of the children, the daughter of the light, the son of the dark, and the mother keeps them all together, as a family. Odesson is a planet created by the force. It serves as the home for the force. It had lead me here many years ago to fight an enemy. It helped me become a light in the darkness to the galaxy. The force made me its protector. I closed this planet off from the galaxy in hopes it would be forgotten, as the Jedi and Sith would fight for control over such a perfect planet. Leading to your next lesson. I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance. I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way. I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance. I am a guardian of balance. I am a Gray. When you are balanced in the force, you must protect the force and those it has control over. If you have learned and listened to the teaching you will know that the force is in all. You are the protector of all of the force. You must adopt ways of the Jedi and the Sith. This is the way. You must light the path for all those who need direction in times of need. You must keep the light in the darkness lit even if it means sacrificing your life. You must be balanced. Now, for your final lesson. I am hoping you have kept all of the holocrons so far. Go to Zakuul, the coordinates are implanted in this holocron. Go to the throne room, there put together all holocrons you have gathered. This planet is it's own empire. They asked to be erased from galactic records. Those who live there may still be around, I can not promise anything. If you run into resistance you must convince them to allow you to pass by. I suggest saying, The Outlander from the past days sent you. There empire runs from honor. If this does not work, allow the force to work in your place."

"Okay. This might be dangerous." Ahsoka jokes.

"What? A planet we've never heard of, that has stayed hidden since his time from both the republic and separatist, and maybe has self sustained to this day, that may try to kill us for coming to them. Not dangerous at all." He smiled, joking with her.

"I like this planet Lux, maybe when we're older. We can settle down here. Away from everyone." She suggests as they walk back to the ship.

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