Chapter 21: Korriban

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Putting in the coordinates Ahsoka grew weary. This planet was unlike any other. This was the darkest of them all. She had been to planets strong in the dark side, she had even been to the area where the Brother held control over on Mortis. Yet, she knew from stories, that Korriban was unlike any other. It was known to drive Jedi, civilians, any traveler that chose to travel to the planet insane. She knew that if Lux were to come, she would have to sacrifice some of her force essence to shield Lux. Putting her at risks of falling to the corruption of the dreaded planet. Arriving they see a planet, similar to Tattoine, it's complexion more orange. From the depths of space, she could feel the hatred, the anger, the agony that the planet screamed. A shiver running to her spine.

"I am one with the force, and the force is one with me. There is no dark side, nor a light side, there is only balance." She said calmly taking deep breaths. She knew to get through this that she would have to use the mysterious Jedis teachings. He hadn't gone insane going here, so there was a reason for that. Heading into the atmosphere the screaming agony of the planet's essence in the force got strong. So much death, pain, and anger lived on this planet. From there on Ahsoka knew that to survive this ordeal, she would have to rely solely on instincts.

Lux landed the ship in front of one of the many tombs that lived on this rock. "So which one are we looking for?" He asks, with a cock of his left eyebrow.

"I don't know. I guess we'll have to ask the Sith Lords that died here. Surely, they will know something." She said.

"We're gonna ask who?" Lux said with a chuckle.

"Well Master Yoda said that the Sith cling to an object when they die. That's why they build tombs. We visit these tombs, talk to the Sith Lords they'll tell us where a Jedi put a holocron.

"Okay, so which one?" Lux says looking around, seeing nothing but tombs and sand. "Did I tell you I hate sand?" Lux jokes.

"Then you would hate Tattoine, that's the worst planet ever." They both laughed. "I guess we'll start with that one. I don't want to be here too long, I have a bad feeling about this planet."

They head out of the ship, putting scarves on their faces as they knew that the sand from this planet, could cut through skin like glass after long exposure. Walking through the tomb, bones of acolytes surrounding the area. "Why dare you enter my tomb? Who are you?" A voice cripples through the ceilings.

"My name is Ahsoka Tano. I'm looking for a holocron, that was placed by a mysterious Jedi." She explains aloud.

"I am Sith. I do not care about Jedi matters. They are weak." The voice says.

"I am no Jedi, Sith Lord. I'm a traveler looking for an ancient holocron." She replies.

"HAHAHA. No Jedi since the green little one has passed through here in millennia." Sand begins coming together tethered together by fire. "I am Darth Bane." The voice appears into a shadow of a man, tall, dementing.

"I know who you are. Why was Master Yoda here?" She asks determined.

"Searching for ways of life after death. For which does not exist. Just eternal suffering." He mocks.

"Well what Jedi passed through here millennia ago?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"I don't know. He was before my time." Darth Bane says.

"Okay then you are of no more use to me, goodbye." She says continuing to walk forward.

"No! Go to the tomb of Naga Sadow! He is the oldest of us all." He orders with a laugh disappearing into his tomb.

They do as they were told. The corruption of the planet getting stronger, so Ahsoka grabs Lux's hand, then all of a sudden the corruption disappearing. Their bond was protecting them here.

"What brings you here traveler?" A voice asks.

"Naga Sadow. My name is Ahsoka Tano. A Jedi traveled through this planet ages ago. He placed a holocron somewhere on this rock, do you know where?" She announces.

"Yes I know of him, why should I tell you though?" Naga Sadow mocks.

"Why should any Sith tell anyone anything. You once were claimed to be the strongest Sith of all time. Well, the Sith now, don't even know of you. If you tell me where this holocron is, when the Sith are beaten, the new age of them will come back to here. You can be the greatest once again." Ahsoka says trying to manipulate him.

"I do not care about the Sith now. You have proven that you are willing to go a darker path. Like the Jedi said to look for. The Sith academy. In the chambers of the dark council, sits the holocron." Sadow states.

"Why do as he says Sith?" Lux asks.

"He held a great power. Making a deal for me, where if I helped him accomplish this, the force would free me from this planet. I can truly die once and for all." Sadow says, before fading away into the force.

"Sith academy it is then." Ashoka smiles.

They head to the chambers of the dark council where directly in the center laid the holocron waiting with scorch marks surrounding it, signs of the Sith trying to open the holocron, but clearly to no avail . Ahsoka reached out into the force opening the holocron.

"Hello, former Jedi. You have made it here which means you are ready for the next lesson. This one is different. You are to learn the Sith code. So, you can understand the hypocrisy between both codes of both orders. 'Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken, the force shall free me.' The Sith believe in true power over all, a means to control the force. The Jedi code teaches to work with the force. The balanced believe in letting the force run through us. Let the force guide and control us. Our code states sides of both orders. 'There is passion, yet emotion. Serenity, yet peace. Chaos, yet order. To build connections with others is important. The Jedi believe we should have no emotions, but we cannot be compassionate without passion and emotion. The force works through all living beings, the stronger the bond, the stronger the force is with them. That is why the Jedi fail, they cannot be compassionate if they are not willing to let emotions drive them. The Sith are correct in that matter, your emotions can make you stronger. 'Serenity yet peace' The Jedi believe that for you to have serenity you can have no emotion. Again, this is false. You can be at peace with emotions, letting them work along side you, but they cannot rule you. The Sith believe in chaos, as the Jedi believe in order. As we stated before, one cannot exist without the other, they work in unison a perfect cohesion. Letting your emotions control you is chaos, but not allowing any is what the Jedi consider order. Your lesson comes down to learning to control your emotions, but not letting go of them. I learned because I was in love. The Jedi did not agree, but I wasn't a Jedi, I did good in the galaxy, and whenever she was in trouble, my powers increased. I worked with my emotions but they did not control me. Your next lesson is where I created an alliance between the Sith empire and the republic. Go to Odesson, there is a base. In the base there is a planning room, go through the left hall, where you will find my room, and on my bed lays the holocron."

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