Chapter 6: The Siege

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Walking to the star cruiser Ahsoka had been assigned, awaited none other than Anakin Skywalker. "Hey Snips!" Anakin shouted. Ahsoka walked up to him. "I wanted to speak to you before you headed off to Mandalore." He suggested. "Yes Anakin?" Ashoka asked smiling seeing her master so excited. "I have something for you, something I wanted to give you for a while." He said revealing a box. Ashoka opened the box, inside were her lighsaber and shoto blade. A tear began to form, happy to be reunited with her blades. "I repurposed them, and shined them for you, I always had a feeling you would come back to the order, to be a Jedi again." He said these words so softly. "Well take them, they're yours." He pushed the box closer, and she grabbed the blades. "Thank you master, but I'm not rejoining the order. No one trusted me." She said wiping the tear beginning to fall. "I did Snips- I trusted you." Anakin said as his smile faded. "That wasn't enough master, the order I looked at as my family turned their backs on me. I'm here to help a friend. That is all." She said stoic. 

Rex walked up behind her and her previous master. "Sorry to interrupt but the fleet is ready to go commander Skywalker." He looked at Ashoka. "Welcome back general." Rex said with a smile and salute. "No need for that Rex, Ashoka's fine" She spoke. "Sorry but you'll always be general to me sir, to my men, to the shinies." Rex said happily. "Speaking of, the men have something to show you General." PREPARE FOR LIGHTSPEED a speaker blurted from the comms. "Right this way sir-" Rex implies to Ashoka the two catching up on the way to the destination.

Two blast doors opened slowly, the lights were dim, but Ashoka could feel many presences in the force in front of her. Rex would hit the lights revealing hundreds of clone troopers with their helmets colored in the pattern of her skin. "The troops wanted to put something together, to show the respect they had for you General, they miss you, we all miss you." Rex would say as all the clones would salute to her. Ashoka would feel a tear fill in her eye. "But why Rex? Over the years I got so many killed from stupid mistakes." She said remembering all of her choices. "You fought by our side, put your life in front of others to save us countless times general. You are like a sister to us. The clones have more respect for you than you can imagine. We watched you grow, and every clone here chose to break into a group to assist you on this mission. We all are going to put our lives on the line for you, as you did us for years." Rex explained. "You are here to help a friend, and so are all of us. Meet your 332nd company. A division created specifically for you general." Rex smiled under his mask. "And who's to be the captain of these soldiers Rex?" Ahsoka asking. "Me sir, I'll be the clones CO, and you'll tell me what to do." He explained to her. She would give a speech to the men, thanking them all for standing by and risking their lives out of respect for her. 

"Thank you all. I will do everything in my power to prove to you all that your respect is not misplaced. I will do everything I can to save as many lives as I can. This will be difficult. Maul has mandalorian terrorist by his side, trained in the battle arts of their culture. We will have assist also. As I have friends among the mandalorions. We are not alone in this fight. We are here not to win a battle, not to win a war, we are here to win the home of a people. To save lives. We are here to free those who cannot fight for themselves. So with that being said, we will save as many as we can. The road ahead is unclear, you may not all live. Trust in the force, trust in each other. Let's go show Maul why he chose wrong in killing Jedi, Clones, and Senators. Let's go win this fight!" Ashoka spoke proudly to her troops. "Nice speech commander" Anakin said behind her. "I won't be here to assist in the siege, as it has come to my attention the chancellor has been abducted. I'm heading back to Coruscant, the council and senate have full faith in you snips." He informed her. "Wait Skyguy-" She interrupted him as he walked off. "May the force be with you." She smiled faintly. "You too Snips, I'll see you when you capture Maul." 

Welp y'all know where this is headed :(  Hope you enjoyed!!!!

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