Chapter 12: Onderon Pt.1

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Ahsoka sat in the pilot chair of the ship, leaving this unknown planet behind along with Rex. Lux punched in the coordinates to Onderon on the holo map. When they were far enough from the planet they jumped into hyperspace. They looked at each other a moment. "Shall we continue?" Lux asked eager to feel her lips on his again. "All boys are the same." Ahsoka thought to herself, but she couldn't resist. She jumped in his lap and began kissing him. They would continue to embrace each other until jumping out of hyperspace Ahsoka pulling herself off of him and into her chair, biting her lip. She looked to her right at Lux who was staring eyes wide at the planet, breathing heavily. "You're amazing" is all he could get out. She blushed. 

The two land the ship at the personal hangar for Lux Bonteri's home. "We'll stay here for a week, figure out our plan, and then when we have to go, stay on the move." Ahsoka said as they walked off the ship. Lux sighed. "I'm gonna miss this place, but it's going to have to be in the past." Lux said to himself as he grabbed Ahsoka's hand and held it. "What's that for?" She smiled at the gesture. "I don't wanna let go of you now that I have you." He said in a deep tone protectively. 

They get to the door of his house. Knocking, but no one answers. "Ahsoka if you will-" Implying to her to force the door open, she does so. "Welcome to my home, or I should say our hideout for the next few days." He says presenting his home, which was very well put together and neat as he was. "It's empty, didn't you have workers Lux." He looked around noticing that his workers were gone. Thinking back. "They think I'm dead Soka, so they left I presume." He said sadly, knowing this is his life now. "Well is anyone going to bother us while we are here?" She asked. "No, this is my family home, and I am the last of my family, so this will go untouched after we leave." Lux said walking to his room. "Where are you going?" Ahsoka asked him as he walked up the stairs. "Soka, we haven't showered in days I plan on getting cleaned up." He laughed walking off. He was right and she hadn't even noticed, her lekku were dirty, and so was her battle armor, which she new she would soon have to ditch. "Hey Lux!" She shouted hearing the shower turn on, but he didn't respond so she walked up the stairs to his room, noticing him taking his shirt off. She could tell he had worked out a ton since teaching him on Onderon but his clothes didn't do him justice. His abs were toned but not too much just right, his biceps had toning on them also. She gasped shocked at how much he had grown, he was a man, and although she had seen men with ripped bodies throughout the Jedi order, something about Lux was different. "Hey Lux." She said interrupting him. "Yes Soka?" He responded unhooking his belt. "Is there another bathroom downstairs, I could shower in?" He nodded. "Yeah it's in the spare bedroom which is to the right of the lounging area. Although you're already up here you could always-" She cut him off, blushing and giggling. "Although I would love to do that, and your body makes me want to say yes, we just shared our first 'real' kiss Lux, it's a little too soon." He bit his lip. "Your loss Soka-" She turned away sensing his next movements. He drops his pants to the floor, opens the door and steps in. "Anything else I can do for you mi lady?" He asks in the shower. "Yeah where are the towels?" She asks. "In my closet, you'll find some of my lounging clothes in their also I'm sure you don't wanna be stuck in that armor all the time." He laughs and continues to shower. "Thank you!" She shouts heading to his closet, picking up a towel and grabbing a shirt of his. "Well I guess it's just shirt and my gears leggings Soka, I'll get some clothes from the market tommorow." She said to herself heading to the spare bedroom. 

She undressed herself hearing the water upstairs turn off, and began to hum and song to herself Master Plo had sang to her as a child, cleaning up. She felt at peace. Showering for a few minutes longer than she would at the temple. She hopped out and threw on Lux's shirt and walked to the kitchen where Lux was cooking a dinner shirtless. She admired his back muscles as she walked up behind him and then hopping on the counter next to him. "It's weird seeing you out of senator clothes Lux." She giggled. "I know you aren't talking Soka, I've never seen you in anything other than battle gear." The two both shared a laugh. "Speaking of which, let's head to the market tommorow and buy you some clothes." He suggested. "We can't do that Lux." She responded. "Yeah we can throw on some cloaks stealth style and use the money from my safe to buy some clothes for you." He said walking to the sink. "I only need like one outfit and I'll be fine Lux." She stated. "Nonsense, you need at least two, and I'm paying, so no more discussion on this Soka, just let me buy you clothes before our lives go into running from this new government crazy type thing. Onderon doesn't even know about the end of the war yet we still have time to just be normal right now. " He said turning around walking to where she sat on the counter placing his hands on her lower back and looking up at her. She played with his freshly washed hair, never realizing how thick, and fluffy it was as it always had gel in it. "Okay. If you say so handsome." She kissed him. "Dinners ready by the way." He smiled pulling away. "I didn't know you could cook senator." She teased. "One of the many things you'll learn about me beautiful." He replied, a smirk spreading across his face as if teasing her fully enjoying that he could express the way he had felt for years for the young ex Jedi knight. 

A/N: Well here we go now we seriously getting into the LuxSoka stuff. Sorry for the extra long chapters in the past few, but at the same time I'm not lol. Hope you enjoyed.

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