Chapter 3: Visions of the Past Pt.3

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Ashoka and Lux walked off, instantly beginning to catch up about their lives. "So Soka how have you been?" Lux questioned. Ashoka thinks about what had gone down since her last time seeing him. "Well I've been kidnapped and used as a target in a Trandoshian sport for hunting!" She joked. "Then there was the whole mortis thing where I died and an ancient deity of the force as her last dying wish gave me her essence." Reminiscing on the time, looking over to Lux who shared nothing but a shocked look. "What?" she asked, smiling. "That sounds awful Ashoka." Lux said rather seriously. "It's okay, Master Yoda says the force works in mysterious ways. That a Jedis true strength comes from their ability to learn from the dealings and to move past them. So that's what I did. It made me stronger." She explained. "You're so strong and brave, I could never imagine going through all of that." Lux said passionately. "What are you kidding? You could do it!" Ashoka clearly lying, trying to lighten the mood. "I think not, I'll leave the whole getting captured by a species of hunters, using living people as targets and fighting them off. Along with being sucked into an unknown world by force gods, dying by the evil one, then being saved by the light side one as her dying wish through the force was for you to live, all  to you!" He insistently joked. This caused a smile shared between the two.

It had been so long since Ashoka could just joke about her experiences, rather than them be used as a lesson, something to be taught through the force. She felt so at peace with him, so open, so honest, so herself. She liked it. "Hey! Follow me!" Lux suggested. "Okay!" Ashoka said excitedly. She followed him to a local sweets shop. "Don't they look amazing?" Lux motioned to her asking. "Onderonion made sweets! All ingredients sourced locally." He said. "Sounds delicious, but we have to get going. We are meant to meet up with Anakin, Rex, Saw, and Steela..." Saying the last name smug. "for a briefing and how we are going to handle the separatist occupation." Ashoka said, as the sun began to set. "C'mon Soka it won't take too long." he added. "Plus Master Skywalker can handle a briefing with us being just a few minutes late." He said this as he didn't want the fun to end, he didn't want to go back to business just yet. He wanted to spend some more time, with his friend, close friend. She knew Lux was right. Anakin was late to everything, so why should it matter if she was late one time. "He won't mind." She thought to herself.

"Where are they?" Anakin asked quietly. "Yeah where are they?" Steela repeated, annoyed. Lux and Ashoka walked in, at those words, as if fate. "You're late Snips." Anakin said to his padawan. "Sorry master, got caught up catching up" Ashoka smirked. "Well since you two are late, you and Bonteri here will be going to scout out the city of Iziz. Scout and report." he explained. "Really skyguy? A scout and report mission? You know I hate those!" Ashoka complained. "Consequences of your actions Snips." That statement had snapped Ashoka right back into the reality of where she was. Always being taught a lesson about everything. 

"I don't see why Lux has to go." Steela stated speaking up. "I don't mind, it should be fun!" Lux insisted. "Shouldn't someone like Saw go or something? What if things go south. Our handsome senator here is far too valuable to be guarded by a Padawan, especially since she can't directly do anything but protect and defend him. Shouldn't someone more experienced go in her place. I don't want to leave the future of Onderon in her hands." Steela protested. Obviously jealous at the fact, that since Ashoka had arrived, her and the young senator had been spending so much time together, and Lux couldn't keep his eyes off the young Jedi.

"I assure you, my padawan is more than capable of defending Senator Bonteri, it actually would not be the first time-" Anakin defending his padawan. "He's right! If not for Ashoka, I wouldn't be standing here today. She's saved me not only from myself, but from terrorist mandolorians and Count Dooku." The young senator added. "Ashoka, even for her young age has more war experience than anyone here other than myself and Rex have. She as I said, is more than capable." Anakin finishing his statement. "Oh and another thing, Lux is the only one here who was not raised to fight, he needs to learn the basics, such as an easy scout and report mission, that Ashoka is more than happy to teach." nodding to Ashoka. Anakin sent the two off to Iziz, Steela walking off angry and bitter.

So, I'll be honest. I like to keep my chapters as 800 word min. So I'll stick to that hopefully. But anyways boo Steela! Hope you enjoyed!!

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