Chapter 10: Order 66

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Ahsoka began to feel loss of life in the force. Shaking her head staring at the bridges window, watching as blue, white,and purple colors pass ever so gracefully. Rex walked up behind her. "You did it commander." Rex smiled. "No we did it. Together all of us." Thinking of the clones and the soldiers she fought beside. "How's Lux?" Ahsoka asked the captain worry in her voice. "He woke up, he's asking about you." This caused her to smile. "I'll talk to him when we get to the temple. Tell the soldiers to begin preparing for landing." Ashoka instructed. "Will do." Rex walked to the command room turning on the holo projector. Revealing a man in a dark cloak. "Execute Order 66" Rex breathed heavily. Not wanting to follow this order, but he had no choice. "Will you need help sir?" A clone asked him. "No, I'll do this myself." He pressed the button on his comms asking for Ahsoka to come to him. 

Ahsoka was still feeling so much loss in the force, the sounds of blaster shots. So many friends she had. She couldn't feel them anymore. She reached for her lekku. So much loss in the force. Rex walked up behind her. "I don't wanna do this Ahsoka. Fives. I have to." She reached for her shoto blocking his blaster shot causing it to ricochet to the light fixture causing a distraction she ran to the command room. A squad of clones ran in surrounding her. She grabbed her other blade. They began firing. She blocked every shot. Knowing she couldn't keep this up forever she knew there was a vent system above her she blocked a blaster shot aiming for the ceiling, the room smoked up she jumped through the vents.

"What are the orders captain?" A clone asked Rex. "Find her, and kill her." Ahsoka heard this. Asking herself a million questions but one in particular. "Why are the clones doing this?" She crawled through the vent systems thinking of a plan. "Fives why would rex mention Fives." She thought. "He was a rogue clone that shot a Jedi-" That answered her question. "Rex knew about this." She went to the medical room where Lux was at.

Hoping down. Lux surprised. "Soka what are you doing-" she cut him off. "Shhhh the clones are after me-" He cut her off "What?Why?" He said worrying yet again about her. "I'm going to find out." She looked through the database of medical reports in the republic archives. Finding fives. Reading the notes. "Mental processor sporadically flipped causing the clone to fire on the Jedi. Chip investigation required." She thought. "There's a chip in them, this could have caused them to try and kill me." She continued thinking all the loss she felt. "A widespread extermination of the Jedi. Mauls masters grand plan, and the Jedi played into it perfectly." A tear formed in her pupil. Lux noticed this. "Hey Ahsoka. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now, but I know loss. I'm here. You're gonna be okay." He said hugging her. "We have to get to Rex and cause a distraction" They both ponder. "Maul" They say in unison. "We set him free and he'll cause a distraction so we can get Rex and remove his chip" Ahsoka said fire in her eyes. 

Maul feels all his restraints loosen. A creepy smile spreads his face, the clones rush in, he force chokes both of them. More and more waves rush in. Maul holding his own, then an emergency alarm sounds. 

Ahsoka and Lux set out to get Rex, getting the assistance of a few droids to help. They find him stun him and bring him to the medical bay, the droids follow, sealing off the doors. The medical droid scans for a chip but finds nothing. "I know it's there." Ahsoka says. "What if it's hidden Soka?" Lux mentions. "You're right, I can reach out through the force like I did for you. To find what's hidden." She smiles kissing him on the cheek. She didn't mean to do that. It just happened. This caused a smile and blush from the handsome senator. "So that's what I felt, it was you. That peaceful and loving energy I felt was you Soka." He smiled looking at her eyes. "Yeah I was worried about you. I wanted to make sure you were okay." She looked down. He placed a finger under her chin. Tilting her head up. "I was worried about you too Soka, I didn't want anything happen to you not before I could tell you something I've felt for a long long time. I've always liked you. Always wanted to be with you. But I couldn't because you were a Jedi. Yet I couldn't hide the feelings. You are so beautiful, strong, passionate, and one of a kind. I like you Soka." She blushed, revealing a smile. She broke away. "I like you too, but we gotta save some lives Lux." He smiled at her determination.

She reaches out in the force finding the chip, instructing the droid to remove it. Through many close calls the three escape the ship. Crashing the ship, making it look stranded. Planting a grave for the clones who lost their lives. Ahsoka leaves her sabers there. For anyone that comes, to believe she is gone. They will have to learn to live a different way. 

"Where to?" Lux asks Ahsoka. She looks at him. "We need supplies." Lux thinks. "Onderon, it's far out, whatever this new enemy is, it will be a while before they check Onderon."

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