Chapter 23: Meditation

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Ahsoka places the five holocrons that her and Lux have collected up to this moment, on the floor of the lounging area of the ship, placing them around her. She meditates on them, they all shine a bright white, illuminating the room, as if taking the light around her and collecting itself onto just her and the holocrons. Ahsoka reaches out in the force, power resonating inside of her, she feels hollow, luminescent, so she open her eyes to see what is happening. She sees her body, mediating in the place she was in before.

Somewhere far across the galaxy lies an old alien covered in green from head to toe...

The man grunts. Closing his eyes. "Hmm an old presence I sense, one from my past is it not?" The man asks out.

"Yes old friend, it seems that way doesn't it?" Another voice says. This one outfitted in white Jedi robes, from a more peaceful era.

"Closer to the truth she is, closer to the balance you would say, hmm?" The old green man asks.

"Yes Master, closer she is to fulfilling her destiny." The man smiles at the old man he speaks to.

Back to Ahsoka...

"This is so cool" She lets out, amazed by the fact she is in another space, she can see her own body as it mediates below her.

Somewhere in the depths of the inner core...

A man in a chambers eyes blare open. Grunting out, filled with anger, pain, and loss. "You've revealed yourself." He whispers. He presses a button the chamber opening, a mask covering his cold yellow eyes. Breathing becoming more apparent. "Captain!" He screams, a man scrawny, puny, and pathetic comes running in, kneeling on the ground.

"Yes my lord?" The man asks shaking beneath the man's presence.

"Set a course for somewhere in wild space. She's there." He says, breathing in between words.

"Who's there my lord?" The man asks quickly, soon after being lifted, grasping for his throat, air not coming so easy for him as it was moments before.

"We don't pay you to ask questions!" The man in the mask screams before the life of the captains is lost in the force.

Back to Ahsoka...

"Shut yourself off from the force and travel to Zakuul, he's getting closer!" The sister yells becoming visible to Ahsoka like she once was on Mortis.

"Who's getting closer?" Ahsoka asks.

"Vader. You must go now, once on Zakuul, you can use the force as much as you want without risks of him finding you." The sister says urgently, begging for Ahsoka to cut herself off from the force.

"Why do I have to cut myself off from the force?" Ahsoka asks in a bit of shock.

"You're becoming more apparent as a threat to him, you are so close to being fully balanced. His connection to you is strong, so he can sense you from across the galaxy, but Zakuul is safe." The sister says.

"Okay." Ahsoka closes her eyes, shutting the force off inside of her, as if like a switch. Opening her eyes again looking around the holocrons, not glowing a bright white, Ahsoka back in her body, Lux standing in the doorway, watching, grazing his eyes, filled with emotion of love, tearing through her. Putting a smile to her face.

"Done meditating beautiful? I have to say that was quite the show!" He laughs clapping his hands together.

"Thank you, I'll be here for the rest of your life." Ahsoka says, jumping out, strutting over to Lux, placing a fine tuned kiss, lightly on his blushing cheek.

"So time for Zakuul?" He asks turning to her as she walks to the cock pit.

"Yeah, except mediating didn't reveal the location." She says wondering how they're going to get to their destination, opening the star map, looking at the thousands of planets and moons logged in the map.

"What's that one" Lux asks pointing to an area where nothing lies. An empty space, Ahsoka looks upon him.

"Lux there's nothing there..." Ahsoka lets out.

"No there is, I feel it. I can see it." He says slowly, sitting down, logging data in the ship computer. Placing his hand on the hyperdrive engine. "Together?" He asks looking upon her with a shine in his eyes.

"Together..." She says putting her hand on top of his, both pushing the lever in an upward motion, watching around the space as everything turns a outlandish purple, black, blue, and white signaling to them, that they are in hyperspace.

A:N// Sorry for the semi short chapter. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and how are we feeling about the story?????

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