Stupid voicemail cut me off

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⚠️Trigger Warning- Self Harm⚠️


When Madison gets home, she grabs her bag and gets out of her car- locking it behind her as she walks up to the door of her house. She pulls out her house key and unlocks the front door. When she walks inside, she closes the door and immediately goes upstairs and to her room. 

Once she gets inside, she slams the door and throws her bag on her floor. She takes off her jacket and softly throws it at the end of her bed. Madison runs her fingers through her hair as she's unable to control her emotions and her thoughts. Tears are still rolling down her face as she paces back and forth in her bedroom, contemplating what she should do next. 

Madison sighs as she walks into her bathroom and wipes the tears off of her face. She opens the medicine cabinet and grabs her taped mason jar out of it. She sticks her hand inside, feeling around for what she's looking for, and when she finds it, she pulls it out and puts the mason jar back into the medicine cabinet. She closes it and goes back into her room, after closing the door to her bathroom so her sister couldn't see into her room, and sits down on her bed. 

Madison looks down at the pocket knife in her hand as more tears fall down her cheeks. She opens the blade and puts it to her wrist- hesitant at first, knowing what could go wrong if she did. Her mom could threaten to send her away just like she did before. Her dad could smack her across the face to teach her a lesson. Her sister could shame her for what she did and tell her that life is beautiful. 

However, the negative outcomes are for later. The only thing Madison wants to happen is the blade to go deep into her skin to make her bleed. So that's what she does. Madison takes the blade of the knife and digs it deep into her skin, causing her to bleed. She digs the knife into her skin another time before closing the knife and setting it down next to her.

The tears stop rolling down her face as she leans her head back and props herself on her other arm. Madison closes her eyes and sighs as she feels like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. 

"Madison Paige Torrez!" She hears her mom say. "What the hell?" Sheila runs over to Madison and puts pressure on her arm, but Madison quickly pushes her mom off of her. Sheila grabs Madison's arm and pulls her into the bathroom, grabbing the hydrogen peroxide underneath the sink and one of the hand towels off the rack. 

Sheila pulls Madison's arm over the sink and pours the peroxide on her cuts, which causes Madison to wince slightly. "That's your fault," Sheila says after noticing that Madison winced. "Maybe you should think next time before you do it."

"I did," Madison spats out, which causes Sheila to look at her with a slightly angered look on her face. 

"What's going on?" Sarah asks as she enters the bathroom, seeing her mom putting pressure on Madison's arm with the handcloth. 

"Do me a favor Sarah and grab the gauze out of the first aid kit under the sink," Sheila says to her other daughter. 

"Okay." Sarah bends down and grabs the first aid kit. She opens it up, grabs the gauze out of it and hands it to her mom. "Here you go." 

"Thank you," Sheila says as Sarah puts the first aid kit back under the sink. 

"You're welcome," Sarah says as she leaves the bathroom. 

"At least one of my daughter's listens," Sheila says to Madison as she wraps the gauze around her arm. "There. All done. Now what do you say?"

"Thanks," Madison says as she walks out of her bathroom and slams the door behind her. She walks over to her bedroom door and slams that one shut as well. 

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