Family matters

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Madison got into her room that night after the game and turned on her bedroom light before she plopped her entire body onto her bed as she let out a huge sigh. Everything she went through today completely drained her of her energy. She informed Scott about the necklace, which he told Derek and Stiles about. Beacon Hills had won the game and the identity of the alpha was finally revealed- it being Derek’s uncle, Peter Hale. 

Madison sits up from her bed, looking around before laying her head in her hands. Her head snaps towards her door as soon as she hears someone knock on it. Her mom is standing in the doorway, leaning against the door frame. “Can I come in?” Her mom asks her, and Madison nods in response. Her mom walks into her room and grabs her desk chair, putting it in front of Madison before sitting down in it. “Wanna talk?”

“About what?” Madison asks, avoiding her mom’s eyes as she looks down at her clasped hands. 

“About anything. I’m here for you Madison. I want you to be able to feel safe to talk to me about anything and everything.”

Madison finally meets her mom’s eyes as she shakes her head. “What’s with the change of heart? I mean, I thought I was a mistake, or a problematic child. I thought you only put up with my shit for dad. Well good news, mom- you don’t have to deal with any of it anymore because dad is dead.”

Sarah walks into Madison’s room and it causes the two of them to whip their heads towards Madison’s bedroom door, seeing her standing there. “Am I interrupting something?” Sarah asks as her gaze flicks back and forth between her mom and Madison. 

“Perfect timing, Sarah,” her mom says to her. “We all need to talk.”

As Sarah walks into Madison’s room and sits down on her bed, Madison scoffs as she rolls her eyes, shifting her gaze back down to her hands. “We don’t need to have a come to jesus meeting, mom,” Madison remarks, rolling her eyes again. 

“That is enough, Madison. We’ve all been through some hard things the past couple of months and we just need to talk about it all.”

“Oh, so it’s family therapy session instead,” Madison corrects herself as she laughs. 

“I’m serious, Madison. We need to stay together, okay? No secrets or anything anymore, okay? We need to be truthful. So-” Their mom exchanges looks with the both of them before continuing “-does anyone have anything to share?” 

The room is silent- no one is speaking up and Madison is massaging the index finger of her left hand to sooth herself. “Nothing?” Their mom asks them before shaking her head. “We need to feel safe with each other now that your dad is gone. And one of my coworkers suggested we should confess things in order to feel safer with each other.”

“You want us to confess things?” Madison asks, looking at her mom in the eyes as a tear falls down her cheek. “Oh.” Madison laughs as she shakes her head before looking her mom back in the eyes. “Fine, if that’s what you want.” Madison stands up from her bed and looks down at her mom. “I’m not a virgin, I’ve had alcohol before, I feel like dying almost every day, and I don’t know how to control it. I feel like I’m falling out of love with my girlfriend because every time I am around Scott, all I want to do is grab him by the face and kiss him and I don’t know how to not feel this feeling because I don’t want to hurt Allison’s feelings, but then again, I don’t like feeling how I feel. So please, mom, tell me what that says about me because, to me, I sound like a bitch who led a girl on because she couldn’t get over her junior high crush.” Madison sighs as she sits back down on her bed and sobs into her hands. 

“Just talk to her, Mads,” Sarah finally says. “I told you that’s what you should do. Hell, if her brother is threatening Scott’s life, then just tell her.” Madison looks up at Sarah with a face full of tears. 

Madison scoffs before replying "You say that like it's supposed to be easy." 

"It won't be easy," her mom chimes in, which causes Madison and Sarah to look at her. "But it'd be good for both of you if you guys just talked about it." 

Madison nods in response, understanding where the both of them are coming from. "Thank you guys," Madison says to them, switching her gaze back and forth between them. "It means a lot."

"Family matters, right?" Sarah asks with a smile on her face. "So it's no problem." Sarah playfully shoves Madison's knee before their mom clears her throat as she stands up from the chair she was sitting in. 

"I have to handle some work stuff,but if you want to watch a movie in the living room when I finish-"

"I'd love that," Madison says, cutting her mom off. Her mom smiles at her as she nods before leaving Madison's room, closing the door behind her. 

"Do you need some alone time?" Sarah asks as she stands up from Madison's bed. 

"Yeah, I do," Madison admits as she nods. "Thanks for everything."

"Like I said, family matters." Sarah smiles down at her sister before going through their conjoined bathroom and going into her room. Madison gets up and closes her door to the bathroom and sits back down on her bed. Her brain wanders about everything- including the night she went to the sports store and ran into Jackson. She hasn't thought about it until just now and maybe it was because of stress, but she doesn't know why it happened. Every noise that was around her started to fade out and she fell back onto her bed, not feeling anything as her eyes started to close. 

Madison wakes up back in her room, but it's light outside. She rolls her eyes as she knows exactly what's happening. 

"I seriously hate you," She mutters out into the air as she pushes herself off her bed. She walks out of her room and down the stairs, heading to her kitchen. "Okay. Where are you this time?" She walks over to her sliding glass door that heads to her backyard. She opens it and as soon as she steps outside, it's now dark. Madison felt the cool air pass by her with every step she took as she walked around her now dark backyard.

Madison crosses her arms and starts rubbing them to warm herself up. She sees a figure standing far away from her. She squints her eyes, trying to see the figure better. Once she got up to it, she's met with a pair of eyes that were too familiar. 

"Dad?" She asks the figure, sounding confused. 

Madison shoots up from her bed, sweating and her heart racing. She looks around her room and notices it's light outside and her alarm is going off. She quickly shuts it off and gets out of bed. She heads to her bathroom, taking a quick shower before getting dressed, grabbing her bag and her phone, heading downstairs and out of the house, on her way to school. 



A short chapter today. It was a filler anyway, but an important filler chapter lol.

There will be answers to everything that is being left unsaid/ not talked about.

Hope you enjoyed it and I love you all <3

Also, the freaking Teen Wolf Movie trailer! What the heck?? So excited to see my babies again and for Allison's return as well 😭😭

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