You kissed me! Why did you kiss me?

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"You can't tell her anything that we learned about from the past five days," Scott says as he and Stiles walk towards the front door of the school. "I don't want to put her in any of this stuff. And the last time we both saw Mads was at the party on Friday. She went with Allison and I went stag cuz I think I have feelings for Madison and-"

"Wait," Stiles says, interrupting Scott. "You have feelings for Madison?"

"I said I think. Not that it matters though because she likes Allison."

"But Allison's straight, right?"

"I don't know, but that's never stopped Mads and you know that."

"Yeah, that's very true. But back to the topic before. About keeping it from Madison."

"Keeping what from me?" Madison asks Scott and Stiles as she approaches them.

"Nothing," Stiles answers her quickly. "Oh look at the time. I better go or else I'm gonna be late. See you later." Before either of them could reply, Stiles quickly jolts into the school.

"Why was he acting so weird?" Madison asks Scott with a small smile on her face.

"I don't know," Scott replies. "You know Stiles. Always on edge."

"Yeah- anyway. You didn't tell anyone about Wednesday, did you?"

"No, I didn't. You asked me not to and I'm not going to disrespect that."

"Thanks." Scott nods and they walk towards the front doors of the school together.

"So," Scott starts as he holds the door open for Madison. "Allison, huh?" They both walk into the school and towards Madison's locker.

"Seriously Scott?" Madison says as she sticks her hands in her leather jacket. "Who told you that I like her?"

"You just did. I had my suspicions, but I wasn't too sure. I am sure now."

"Oh my gosh."

"So spill. How was the date?"

"If you're referring to the party, it wasn't a date. Besides, I don't even think she likes women like that."

"Well you never know until you ask her out," Scott states as they get to her locker.

"What if she turns me down?" Madison asks him as she opens her locker. "That would be completely embarrassing and humiliating."

"Yes it would be, but it'll help you learn and such."

"Thanks." Madison slams her locker shut and leans up against it, facing Scott. "I really like her. And I know I just met her, but I don't want to mess anything up between me and her."

"Well when do you think you'll be ready to do it? To see if she's actually interested in dating you or not?"

"The sooner the better maybe because I'm not too deep into the friend zone."

"Well now's your chance because she's coming this way." Madison quickly turns around and sees Allison walking up to her. Madison looks back at Scott as he says "You got this." Scott walks away from Madison to leave her alone with Allison just as the first bell to get to class rings.

"Hey," Madison says to Allison.

"Hey," Allison replies back.

"So look," Madison starts as they walk to class. "I have something to ask you."

"Okay. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me. Like a date. And if not, then it's completely fine. I get it if it's weird that a bisexual girl like me is asking out a quite possibly straight girl like you. So I just want you to know that it's completely okay if you say no. I just wanted to shoot my shot and see if you actually are into women. But-"

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