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Madison was at her desk doing homework when she got a strange feeling. She looked behind her and at the box that was sitting in her room. She got up from her chair and walked over to the box. She picked it up off of the floor and put it onto her bed. She opens it and takes out the book, immediately finding a crystal looking object. She picks it up and smiles at it before setting it straight up on the book. She sighs as she continues to dig through the box. 

“Wow, you’ve changed,” Madison hears an all too familiar voice say. She freezes in her tracks as she feels tears in her eyes before turning around and being met with the person. 

“Dad?” She asked, sounding almost confused. “But how? You’re-”

“Dead?” He asks, interrupting her, and Madison nods in response. “I know. I’m not really here, either. I’m just in your head. That’s what the crystal does- lets you see the person you most want to see.” 

“And you are who I definitely need to see right now,” Madison admits as tears roll down her face. “But I can’t hug you, can I?” He shakes his head, which causes Madison to scoff as she rolls her eyes. “Of course not. But hey, at least I get to talk to you.”

“Well, a version of me that is made of what you remember about me,” her dad corrects her before smiling. “But it is good to see you again, Madison.”

“I miss you, dad,” She replies as more tears roll down her face. 

“Oh, sweetie, I know you do,” he comments as he walks closer to her. “What’s new in life?” He asks her after a few seconds. 

“Well, Allison and I broke up, but I’m with Scott now,” Madison answers with a small smile on her face. 

“Is he good to you?” 

“Very good,” Madison admits as she nods. 

“How’s Sarah and your mom?”

“They’re hanging on. They’re struggling just as much as me, but they’re okay. They try to hide it to take care of me, but I know they’re struggling. I see mom sneak downstairs and eat ice cream almost every night as she cries to sad movies- and romance movies.”

“Can you give them a hug for me?” He asks her with tears rolling down his face. 

“Yeah,” Madison replies as she nods. A few seconds of silence pass by before Madison asks “Hey dad, can I ask you something?”

“Of course kiddo,” He says with a smile on his face. 

Who attacked you?” She blurts out almost immediately, which causes her dad’s face to widen in shock. 

“I can’t answer that, remember?” He replies after a few seconds of silence. “I’m in your head, and since you don’t know who attacked me-”

“You don’t know either,” Madison finishes as she sighs. “Hey, at least I have your voicemail that you left me.” 

“And I’ll always be in your heart,” her dad adds with a smile on her face. Madison continues to cry before closing her eyes and cries into her hands. When she looks up, her dad is no longer in front of her. She looks around her room, seeing that he had left, and she faces her door as the tears keep rolling down her cheeks. She stays there, stunned about what had just happened, and then drops to her knees and continues to cry at the loss of her father. 

“Hey, Mads,” she hears Scott say as he approaches her door. “I got that-” He drops the things in his hands and immediately goes down to her, wrapping his arms around her in comfort. “Hey, what’s wrong?” 

“I miss my dad,” She replies without giving any further context. She sinks herself into his arms, allowing his comforting touch. “I miss him so much that it hurts.”

“It’s okay, Mads, I’m here for you,” he replies as he rubs her arm and kisses her head. “Do you wanna talk about it?”

Madison shakes her head as she pushes away from him and looks at him through her puffy eyes. “I’m fine, but thank you,” Madison admits as she wipes the tears from her face. 

“Of course,” He states. “Anyway, I got that food you were craving. And I rented a movie as well.”

“What movie?” Madison asks as she raises an eyebrow with a smile on her face. 

“That one with Selena Gomez that you absolutely love,” Scott replies as he stands up and offers a hand out to her to help her up. She takes it and he helps her off the floor before heading back towards the door to get the food he dropped on the floor and the movie that he rented and walked back over to Madison. 

“You are the best boyfriend ever!” Madison exclaims before hugging him, and he hugs her back with his one free hand. Madison pushes away from him and grabs her computer off her desk and gets comfortable on her bed. Scott tosses her the movie and she immediately puts it in. Scott laughs at her as he shakes his head, walking over to the other side of Madison’s bed before taking off his shoes and getting on her bed. He puts the food in front of her as she sets up the movie. 

As soon as it’s ready, she leans back on Scott’s chest and he wraps his arm around her before Madison opens the food and starts eating it as the movie, Another Cinderella Story, plays on her computer. 

The End (you’re welcome for not leaving it off on a cliffhanger <3)



I will be making a second book, but idk when I'll start it cuz I am... idk haha. But I love you all and thank you for reading <3

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