Well someone overdressed for bowling

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The next night, Madison was getting ready for the group date. She was wearing a white long sleeves and denim pants that hugged her frame perfectly. She wore a pair of her vans and brushed her hair before pulling it back into a low ponytail.

Madison walked to her desk and opened the jewelry box on top of it- grabbing a few rings and slipping them onto her fingers. She grabbed the necklace her dad gave to her and put it around her neck- closing the clasp in the back.

Madison sighs as she walks into her bathroom and applies light makeup to her face- walking back out and to her closet. She grabs one of her jackets and puts it on as she walks out of her closet. She grabs her phone and keys off her bed- shoving her keys into her pocket as she checks her phone.

Madison clicks on the text she got from Scott and reads it.

Scotty: I'm here.

Madison slightly smiles as she turns her phone off and shoves it into her pocket. She walks out of her room as she turns off the light and closes the door behind her. She quietly walks downstairs to avoid her mom hearing her sneak out after the police enforced curfew for 9:30 pm.

Madison gets downstairs and to the door- slowly opening it and leaving her house- making sure she locks it before walking down the pathway and to the edge of the street.

Madison walks to the passenger's side of Scott's car and gets in. She buckles her seatbelt and then looks over at Scott.

"What?" Madison asks, confused.

"Nothing," Scott points out. "You just look- hot."

"Thanks," Madison says, accepting his compliment that made her a little uncomfortable. Scott nods and then drives away from Madison's house and towards the bowling arena.


Madison and Scott walk into the arena and go to find the people they're meeting there- which they found right away.

Madison saw Carter standing a little further away from them, seeming a little uncomfortable with everyone's presence. As soon as Carter sees Madison walking over to him, a smile is plastered across his face.

"Well someone overdressed for bowling," Carter jokes with a smile on his face, admiring the way Madison looks.

"Very funny Carter," Madison says sarcastically. "So how are the teams going to work?"

"Well," Carter starts. "Lydia and Jackson- obviously."

"Obviously," Madison repeats with a smile on her face.

"And I was actually gonna team up with my sister, if that's okay?"

"So you're forcing me to go against my girlfriend? I am offended- I am hurt. Why would you think that's okay?" A fake tear rolls down Madison's cheek as she tries to keep up her act.

"I'm so sorry Mads," Carter says, believing her. "You can team up with Allison."

Madison starts laughing as she wipes the fake tear off her cheek. She looks at Carter's confused face as she says "You actually bought that? Oh my god, I am good."

"You are-"

"I'm what?" Madison asks, interrupting him.

"Difficult," Carter states, not scared by her change of tone in her voice. "By the way," Carter starts, changing the topic. "I got you a ball. It's black- your favorite color."

Madison puts her hand to her chest and gasps before saying "You remembered? I'm touched." Carter rolls his eyes at Madison with a smile on his face.

"Hey Carter!" They hear Allison shout. "Stop flirting with my girlfriend and get your ass over here." Madison laughs as the two of them walk over to Allison and get their names added to the game.

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