There's no such thing as magic!

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"We've been sitting here for hours!" Madison says as she paces back and forth in front of the waiting chairs. "What's taking so long?"

Allison stands up from one of the chairs and walks up to Madison- which causes her to stop pacing. Allison grabs Madison's hands and looks her in the eyes.

"It's gonna be okay," Allison states. "No matter what, I'll be here- by your side, through everything. Okay?" Madison nods as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"Are you guys here for Samuel Torrez?" A doctor says as he walks up to them. That caused M

adison to walk up to him with a mix of emotions.

"Yes," Madison says without hesitation. "I'm his daughter. Is he okay?"

"He's gonna be okay. He lost a lot of blood, so he's gonna be asleep for a while. If he was left the way he was, he might've bleed out. You saved your father's life, miss." Madison smiles at the doctor's words and turns to face Allison. Madison walks over to her and wraps her arms around her torso. In response, Allison wraps her arms around Madison's back.

When Madison pushes out of the hug, she stumbles back, and Allison immediately goes to catch her. "You okay?" Allison asks as she still keeps her grip on Madison's arms.

"Yeah," Madison answers. "I'm fine. I just need-" Madison is cut off. Her eyelids grew heavy and immediately fell to the floor.

Madison opens her eyes and sits up, her head throbbing- which causes her to rub it to try and ease some of the pain. She stands up and starts looking at her surroundings, confused as to where she is and why Beacon Hills looks the way it does. There is trash on the floor, windows and doors that are broken- and if they aren't broken, they're covered in dried blood. Madison's eyes widened when her eyes lay on the dead corpses of her best friends- along with some other people she didn't recognize.

"Where the hell am I?" Madison asks herself as she continues to look around the dead town she calls home.

"We're in the future," someone from behind her says. When she turns around, she's faced with someone who looks exactly like her, which startled her. "You seem frightened." The girl in front of her points out, which was followed with a small laugh.

"Who the hell are you?" Madison asks the other version of herself.

"I'm you sweetheart. Well- the better version of you."

"Why do you- why do we look like that?"

"You look like this after going down a dark path- using dark magic and all that."

"Wait- magic? There's no such thing as magic!"

"Right. Just like there's no such thing as werewolves." She lets out a cynical laugh, but then her eyes widen when she sees the other Madison's face. "Oh, that's right. You don't know yet. Yeah, you're in for a hell of a surprise when you wake up."

"What do you mean by that?" Madison asks the other version of herself, obviously confused, and a little scared.

"You passed out," She replies with an evil smirk on her face. "But you'll be fine. Just start doing some research about werewolves and witches once you wake up and get home. You'll understand it all more once you do."

"But I don't understand now. I would never hurt my friends- ever! And I don't even know who the rest of those people are."

"You haven't met them yet- that's why. For now, you just need to wake up and do your research. You'll surely fall into place in no time."

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