I hate hospitals

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Madison was pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room outside Lydia's room out of a nervous habit. Sheriff Stilinski had pressured both her and Jackson about what happened to her, but they both said that they didn't know and that Stiles was the one who took her to the formal.

"You can sit down, you know," Jackson says to Madison as he watches her nervous pacing.

"I don't want to sit down," Madison answers as she fidgets with her hands. "I hate hospitals, and sitting down just makes things worse."

"Then why did you come in the first place?" Jackson asks her, seeming genuinely curious.

"Because I had nothing else better to do," Madison replies as she stops pacing. "I heard what was happening and I thought you could use a friend, so here I am, as a friend, helping you through a hard time."

"So you're here for me and not Lydia?" Jackson asks as Madison starts pacing again.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing," Madison says as she points to him before putting her hands on her hips. "I just don't get along with Lydia. I mean, I'd like to be friends with her, or just acquaintances. But right now, I am here for you- as a friend because I know you need one of those right now."

"Well thank you," Jackson says to Madison before he stands up and goes to the window of Lydia's room and looks at her. Madison sighs as she walks up to Jackson and looks at Lydia.

"It does suck what happened to her. Nobody should be put through this." Before Jackson could come up with a reply, they hear the elevator ding and they snap their heads towards it to see Stiles coming out of it. He was headed to walk to Lydia's room, but Sheriff Stilinski stopped him.

"You know what?" He started angrily as he kept his son from going anywhere else. "It's good that we're in a hospital, because I'm gonna kill you."

Stiles looks over his dad's shoulder for a split second before looking back at him and saying "I'm-I'm sorry. I lost the keys to my Jeep. I had to run all the way here."

"Stiles, I don't care!" His dad shouts, causing Madison to shift her attention over to their conversation, leaning her back against the window frame and crossing her arms above her chest.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Stiles asks after letting out a sigh.

Stilinski looks behind him and into Lydia's room, also seeing Madison staring at them, who had diverted her eyes somewhere else. He looks back at his son as he sighs."They don't know," Stilinski replies honestly. "Partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her."

"What do you mean?" Stiles asks.

"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Her body keeps going into shock." Stiles breaks eye contact with his dad as he tries to process everything. "Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"

Stiles looks back up at his dad and hesitates before replying, "No. No, I have no idea."

"Madison says she didn't see anything either." Stilinski lets out a very frustrated sigh before adding "What about Scott?"

"What do you mean?" Stiles asks quickly. "What about him?"

"Did he see anything?"

"What do you-" Stiles interrupts himself out of shock. "Is he not here?"

"What are you talking about? I've been calling him on his cell phone. I've gotten no response."

Stiles looks over at Madison and Jackson, who look at him and both shrug, neither of them knowing where the McCall boy is. "Yeah, you're not gonna get one."

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