Wanna dance?

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Carter pulls up to the school and, when he does, Madison lets out a huge sigh as she watches students pile into the school- most likely heading towards the gym, which is where the dance is being held.

"You okay?" Carter asks as he notices her discomfort.

"I will be," Madison answers honestly as she nods. "And by the way, I'm so sorry for my mom. She's been trying to be more in my life since my dad died and I just- I don't know, but I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Carter replies as he lets out a chuckle. "I thought it was sweet." Madison smiles at Carter before he gets out of his car and closes the door behind him- walks around the front of his car to the passenger side and opens Madison's door for her- holding his hand out to help her out of the car. Madison smiles at him as they walk to the school.

"Um, do you know if Scott is coming?" Madison suddenly asks Carter.

"I know he's not allowed to," Carter replies, which causes Madison to stop walking like she was waiting for him to continue. "Academic probation. It was either get kicked off the team or not go to the dance. Coach didn't want to kick him off, so the compromise was to not let him go to the dance."

"Oh, okay." Madison shakes off the feeling as she and Carter walk into the gym and are amazed at the layout. Everything was light blue colors and there were people sitting on the bleachers.

"Wanna dance?" Carter asks as he turns to Madison, who was still in awe at how amazing the gym had looked. "Madison?"

Madison turns to look at Carter, who was holding his hand out for her. "Wanna dance?" He asks her again, knowing he now has her attention.

"Absolutely," she replies with a smile on her face. Madison grabs ahold of Carter's hand and the two of them walk onto the dance floor as Footloose blasts throughout the gymnasium. Carter and Madison spend the next few songs, dancing together, having a good time at the dance, when they both hear yelling.

They whip their heads in the direction and see Coach pointing and yelling at someone near the bleachers. Madison follows his gaze and sees Scott getting up from the bleachers and starts running around the small gym.

"McCall!" Madison hears Coach yell, and then she's pushed aside by him, a bit rudely. "It's a small gym buddy, I'm gonna find you." Coach pushes everyone around the gym to get to Scott, and once he does, he finds him dancing with Danny.

"McCall! You're not supposed to-" Coach is shocked by what he found and still continues to yell. "What the hell are you- What the hell are you doing?" The music stops and everyone turns their attention to where the commotion is happening.

"Yes, Coach?" Scott asks as he pulls Danny closer to him.

Coach notices everyone's staring and realizes what they think he's insinuating. "Okay, ho-ho-ho, ha-ha," Coach starts as he stumbles over his words. "Hold on, you- I was just saying he's not supposed to- I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't- You guys don't think- You don't- I-I was-"

He interrupts his own stuttering with a laugh before saying "Just dance, everybody! Just dance! Dance! It's a party!" He walks away and Scott thanks Danny before pushing away from him running off to go find Madison.

"Madison," Scott says when he approaches her.

"Yes, I would love to dance with you," She replies with a smile on her face. "Sorry Carter."

"It's okay," He admits with a smile on his face. Madison gives him an apologetic smile before walking off with Scott to go dance. They dance together, and after a few upbeat songs, the dj plays a slow song. Madison wraps her arms around his neck and Scott snakes his arms around her back.

Madison notices Scott smiling at her which causes her to smile at him before asking "What?"

"Nothing," Scott says, still smiling at her. "I just like looking at you."

"Well I'm glad because I like you looking at me," Madison replies as her hands run through Scott's hair.

"You look very beautiful, by the way," Scott informs Madison, which causes her smile to get even bigger.

"Thanks. So you do." Scott laughs as he nods.

"Thank you," He replies, which earns yet another smile from Madison. The two dance in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before Scott randomly says "There was this one time, when we were in junior high, that I saw you in that blue dress that you absolutely loved to wear. It was the first time that I actually realized how amazingly beautiful you were- and still are. It was also the time when my teenage hormones decided they wanted to act up and I-"

"Oh my god, okay," Madison interrupts him as she laughs. "I get it."

"Sorry. I just love your laugh."

"Oh yeah? What else is there that you love about me?"

"Everything. You are amazing, Mads, and I love you."

Madison smiles again before saying "I love you too." Madison and Scott go to kiss, but are interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"May I cut in?" They hear Carter ask. As soon as he does, the slow song ends and an upbeat song plays.

"Go ahead," Scott says as he pushes away from Madison and walks off.

"What the hell?" Madison asks Carter, very pissed off with his presence.

"I'm sorry, but it was urgent," Carter admits with a sorrowful look on his face.

"How urgent?" Madison asks as she crosses her arms in front of her chest.

"My dad knows Scott is a werewolf," Carter whispers so no one else could hear him. Madison's eyes widened in shock and fear.

"Then he shouldn't be alone right now! We have to go help him." Madison goes to run off and chase after Scott, but Carter grabs Madison's shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. "What the hell, Carter?"

"He's not going to kill him," Carter whispers.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I told him not to," He admits. Madison pushes Carter off of her as she looks into his eyes.

"Why would you do that?" Madison asks, curiously.

"Well, because our code says 'We hunt those who hunt us' and Scott didn't do any hunting- he did nothing of that source. I told him that and he swore to me that he wouldn't kill Scott."

Madison's posture rests and looks past Carter, staring off into space before nodding and looking back up at him. "Okay, but if he does die, I'm killing you," Madison replies before going back to the dance. Little did she know what was happening at the exact moment Scott was being confronted by Argent.



Only a few chapters left hehe <3

Also, sorry for the short chapter

And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it

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