Did you just say-

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TW: Talk/Mention of ED (eating disorder)


The next day at school, Madison quickly went to go find Stiles- needing to talk to him about her girlfriend's family. She quickly rushes to the boys locker room- not finding him in there, although there were some pretty disturbed guys undressing in there.

Madison rushed to the other side of the school where Stiles' locker was, but she couldn't find him there either. As she catches her breath, she feels her phone vibrating in her back pocket. She pulls it out and answers it, putting it to her ear and says "Yeah?"

"What happened?" She hears Stiles ask her. "You sound like you're dying."

"Well I basically just ran around the entire school to find you," Madison replies with a sarcastic tone.

"Well I'm about to be at my locker. You can meet me there."

"I'm already at your locker."

"Oh, so you're the out of breath girl that's bombarding my locker?" Before Madison could reply, she sees Stiles walk up to her. She rolls her eyes at him as she hangs up.

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" Stiles asks as he opens his locker.

"About my girlfriend," Madison starts, which causes Stiles to roll his eyes as he pulls out his english book. "And how her family are werewolf hunters." Stiles slams his locker as he looks over at Madison.

"How did you find out?" Stiles asks as they start walking.

"I put two and two together," Madison answers honestly. "He has a gun- more than one, actually. They have a shit ton of them in their garage and it scares the shit out of me! Now I don't know if she knows or not, but I can't have the woman I love hurt the other people I care about."

The two teenagers stopped in their tracks as they heard what left her mouth. "Did you just say-" Stiles says, but is interrupted by Madison.

"I just said that I love Allison," Madison states, with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Why does that scare you?"

"It doesn't scare me." Madison quickly puts her hand to her mouth as she hears her voice crack.

"Then why did your voice go up like ten octaves?"

"It didn't," Madison replied as her voice cracked again. "Okay, so it did."

"Why are you scared by the fact that you love Allison?" Stiles asks, them still standing in the middle of the hallway with their first class of the day being on the other side of campus.

Madison motions for them to keep walking before she starts talking. "So you know how I told you and Scott a couple days ago that I'm a witch?" Madison asks as they walk, which Stiles nods to in response. "And that I can see the future basically." Stiles nods again. "And when I pass out, I see a dark version of me?" Again, Stiles nods.

"Well," Madison starts again. "I asked her one time if Scott and I were ever gonna get together."

"And what did she say?" Stiles asks as they keep their conversation to just above a whisper.

"She said yes," Madison replies. "So that means Allison and I break up in the future and I have no idea what's going to happen. That's why I'm scared, okay? I don't want to love her and then hurt her because I dumped her for some junior high crush."

"But do you still like him?" Stiles asks as they walk down a flight of stairs and turn the corner.

"I don't know," Madison admits. "All I know is that last night, when he saved me from becoming splattered all over the street, I was nervous around him and all I wanted to do was grab him by the face and kiss him. However, I wouldn't do that to Allison. I wouldn't do that to anyone at all." After Madison's confession, the two of them stop in front of their english class and loop at each other. "I don't know what to do Stiles." Madison sighs as she looks down at the floor and back up at him.

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