What if we got out of here? ®️

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A few days later, Madison walks into the school and towards Allison's locker- wanting to see her. Once she gets to her locker, she sees Allison standing in front of it, reading a card.

"Is it your birthday?" Madison asks Allison as she sees the balloons in her locker.

"No," Allison denies as she pushes the balloons into her locker, but then sighs in frustration. "Yes. Just please don't tell anybody. I don't even know how Lydia found out."

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Madison asks, sounding a little hurt.

"Because I don't want people to know. That and I'm seventeen." Allison looks at Madison and sees her shocked face.

"You're seventeen?" Madison asks her, shocked.

"That's the reaction I'm trying to avoid."

"Why? I mean, I-I totally get it. Uh, you had to repeat a year because of all the moving around, right?" Allison looks at Madison as she closes her locker and leans closer to her- laying her lips on hers.

"What was that for?" Madison asks with a smile on her face.

"For literally being the first person to ever make the correct assumption," Allison says as she looks at Madison. "Everybody's always like, 'What, did you get held back?' 'Did you ride the short bus?' Uh, 'Did you have a baby?'"

"That's what you hear on your birthday?" Madison asks with a little sadness in her voice.

"Yeah, all day long. So does Carter, but minus the baby one." The two girls laugh.

"What if we got out of here?" Madison asks, trying to make her girlfriend feel better.

"Skip class?" Allison questions.

"Yeah, the entire day."

"Well, you're asking someone who's never skipped one class to bail out the entire day, and I don't-"

"No," Madison says cheerfully as she interrupts Allison. "See, that's perfect! If you get caught, they'll go easy on you."

"Well, what if you get caught?"

"Let's not worry about that. So what do you say?"

"Let's do it." Madison smiles as she interlocks her hand with Allison's as the two of them attempt to sneak out of school.


Madison and Allison get into Allison's car and Madison looks over at Allison when she says "Uh, maybe this is a bad idea. And my dad would kill me if he found out."

"My mom would kill me if she found out," Madison states, being truthful. "Besides, Do you always follow your dad's rules?"

"Not lately," Allison admits with a smile on her face.

"Good. Now start the car please." Madison looks in the rearview mirror and sees the school security roaming around the parking lot and her eyes widen.

"Where are we going?"

"Uh, I don't know. Somewhere. Anywhere." Madison sees the car getting closer to them and she grows even more anxious than before.

"Nowhere I can be seen, right? Because I could get detention."

"Please start the car," Madison says as she looks back at the car again.

"Or suspended," Allison adds, fiddling with her keys as she sticks them and the ignition.

"Allison? Car? Start? Now? Please?" Allison turns the keys and pulls out of the parking lot- driving anywhere so they aren't caught.


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