Important Talks

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Madison comes back from a day of going dress shopping with her sister, not able to find a dress just yet for the winter formal, which is in two days. She sits down at the head of her bed as her sister walks into her room.

"So how'd your talk with Allison go?" Sarah asks as she sits in Madison's desk chair.

Madison lets out a huge sigh before replying "Bad, I guess. I mean, we broke up at lunch and I cried the rest of the day. People kept asking me if I was okay, but I lied and said I was."

"How'd she react?"

"You mean when I told her that I kissed Scott?" Madison asks as she takes off her shoes and rests her back against her wall, keeping eye contact with Sarah.

"Yeah," Sarah replies as she nods.

"Better than I thought she would take it." Madison lets out a sigh before continuing. "She asked me questions, and I obviously told her the truth to it all because I hate lying to her, no matter what. I feel so bad for what I did, too, and I just know she hates me for it."

"I doubt that," Sarah says as she gets up from the chair and walks over to Madison, sitting down in front of her on her bed. "She's Allison. She's sweet, nice and doesn't really hold a grudge. She doesn't hate you."

Madison smiles at her sister before looking down at her hands, but then immediately back up at Sarah. "Don't you have a paper that you need to do?" Madison asks in a questioning tone.

"Yeah, I do," Sarah replies as she stands up. "We will find you a dress for the winter formal, though, so don't give up."

"I won't," Madison admits with a smile on her face as she watches Sarah walk out of her room. "Hey Sarah?"

Sarah stops in the doorway of Madison's door and turns back around to face her. "Yeah?" She asks.

"Thank you, for everything," Madison says. "I need important talks like this, considering everything else that's happened."

"Of course," Sarah replies with a smile on her face before walking out of Madison's room. Madison lets out a huge sigh as she runs her hands through her hair. She looks at her desk with her hands clasped together against her mouth as she roams through her thoughts.

Madison quickly pushes herself off her bed as she slips her boots on again before grabbing her jacket off her bed and throwing it on before heading out of her room- closing the door behind her.

"I'm going out," she says once she gets downstairs, not knowing if anyone was really down there.

"Okay, be safe," she hears her mom reply before she leaves her house and gets into her car, driving off.


Scott is pacing around his room as he listens to the voicemail his teacher left him about a school project, which caused him to groan before sitting on his bed. He hears a knock on his door before calling out "Not now, mom." After a few seconds, the sound of another knock filled his room. He sighs heavily as he gets up from his bed.

"I said not now-" He cuts himself off because when he opened the door, he was met with a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"Sorry, your mom let me in," Madison says to Scott, her voice just above a whisper. "Can we talk?" Scott nods as he holds his door open, letting her enter his room. Madison sits down on his bed as Scott closes the door, and then he immediately sits down next to her.

Both teenagers look down at their hands, not saying a word to each other as they wait for the other to say something.

"Do you want me to say something first?" Scott finally asks as he looks at Madison, his voice causing her to snap her head towards him and meeting his gaze.

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