See you later virgin

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Madison gets out of her car and locks it as she walks up to the doors of the school. Once she gets inside, she heads to her locker.

Madison bumps into a few people on the way, them casually saying hi to her for no particular reason. She gets to her locker and opens it, grabbing her english book out of it and closes it. When looks back at the front door, she sees Allison and Carter walking in. Once they lock eyes with Madison, they head towards her.

"Hey," Madison says once they get to her. Allison stands in front of her and lays her lips on Madison's.

"It's only week two and I'm already feeling overshadowed and lonely," Carter states to Madison and Allison. "So I'm gonna go before I gauge my eyes out."

"See you later Carter," Madison shouts out to him as he walks away from her and Allison.

"See you later virgin," he yells back, which causes Madison to roll her eyes at him.

"What is wrong with your brother?" Madison asks Allison as they walk down the hallway.

"I honestly have no clue," Allison answers, which causes them both to let out a small laugh. "So how did getting home go?"

"Well I'm alive, so I guess that's a bonus. My mom threatened to kick me out because I'm going out with you. She's being majorly homophobic and I hate it."

"What did your dad say?"

"He actually defended me."

"Well if you do get kicked out of your house, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind you staying with us."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it. But, a major topic to discuss- you looked super hot on our date last night. I know I told you that when I picked you up, but oh my god- you looked super hot!"

Allison laughs with a smile on her face. "Thank you. And so did you."

"Thanks," Madison says with a smile on her face as they get to their first class. They stand in front of each other and go to kiss, but are interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

They both look to the side of them and see Scott standing in front of them. "Hey Scott," Madison says to him as she and Allison face their bodies towards him. "What's up?"

"This is my first class too," Scott states. "So nothing's up." Madison rolls her eyes as they all walk into class and sit down at their seats.

Before class starts, Madison feels someone behind her tap her shoulder. She turns around and sees Stiles looking at her like she's hiding something. "What?" She asks him.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Stiles asks, confused.

"You're giving me a look like you're expecting me to spill some big secret."

"I am."

"I have nothing to-" Madison's eyes widen and quickly looks at Scott, then looks back at Stiles with the same look on her face as before. "What the hell did he tell you?" Madison asks Stiles in any anger filled whisper.

"That you guys kissed," Stiles states, not even at a whisper.

"Could you be more loud about it? I don't think the deaf guy in coma that's all the way across the world heard you yet."

"How are you so sarcastic? I don't get it."

"Says the king of sarcasm himself," Madison states with an eye roll.

"Anyway! What does it mean for you two?"

"Nothing. I'm with Allison- sort of. We haven't talked about putting a label on us yet. And Scott and I haven't talked about the kiss yet either. It meant nothing to me. I'm glad he and I are friends again, but we aren't gonna date."

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