Why are you such a bitch?

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Madison didn't go to school the next few days. Her mom had let her stay home due to her being in the hospital- also because her dad was still in the hospital. Friday came just as fast as the past few days had gone by. Madison's sister drove her to school that day- Madison also wore a sweater and sweatpants to school. She walks into the school- looking down at her phone as she still continues her search on witches and werewolves.

Madison has been keeping to herself- not talking to anyone that much about anything- including Allison. It's been way easier to avoid them from home, but she's gonna have to try harder now that she's gonna run into them in the halls and in classes.

Madison quickly heads to her locker as she turns her phone off and avoids literally everyone. Once she gets to her locker, she opens it, pulls out her english book, and quickly closes it. She turns around and heads to her class.

So far so good Madison says to herself, but then she stops in her tracks as she sees Scott heading her way.

"Shit," she mutter to herself. She sighs as she continues to walk forward and lifts her hood to cover her face. She walks to the other side of the hall as she tries to avoid Scott's gaze. Once she gets past him, she quickly heads to her class, gripping onto her english book.

Madison gets into class and walks to her seat- sitting down and opening up her book after putting her bag on the floor. She puts her face into the book as the bell rings- which startles her a little.

Scott, Stiles and Allison all walk into class together- having running into each other and asking if they've heard from Madison. They're all startled by seeing Madison in her seat- reading her english book with her hood on. They all act normal and walk to their seats.

Madison's heart beat quickens as they all sit in their seats. The teacher starts taking roll as Madison continues to read the book. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and unlocks it- which she put the password on a few days ago. She opens google and goes back to her research.

"Miss Torrez," the teacher says from the front, which causes Madison to quickly turn her phone off and to look up at the teacher. "Will you come here for a second?" Madison sighs as she gets up from her seat and walks to the front of the class to talk to her teacher. "If you need to stop out of class for any reason, just let me know. I understand your father is still in the hospital, so I get it if you need some time."

Madison smiles at him and nods- then walks back to her seat, trying to avoid eye contact with Scott, Stiles and Allison. The rest of the class was just a make up day, but Madison chose to be on her phone- looking more into the witch heritage and backstory.

The only daughter of Titans Perseus and Asteria, Hecate was a goddess of Greek mythology with a particularly large wheelhouse, associated variably with magic, witchcraft, the night, the moon, ghosts, and necromancy, as well as lighter fare like athletic games, courts of law, birth, and cattle-tending.

In later periods she was often depicted in triple form, in connection with the phases of the moon.

One of the first classical witches was Medea from Greek mythology; a sorceress who was represented as dangerous, powerful, unpredictable and untrustworthy. This perhaps paved the road for future representations of Witches, as a the key canonical representation of the Witch is that of the three 'Wayward' Sisters from Shakespeare's Macbeth; three powerful, dangerous and untrustworthy matriarchs who set off the course of events throughout the play with their prophecy. In doing so, they cause a spiral of events leading to multiple deaths throughout the play.

Throughout early literary history, witches were often seen in one certain light; ugly, deformed and evil. From Hecate to The Weird Sisters, these fictional matriarchs had always been viewed in this particular manner. This was highly influenced by the real treatment of those suspected to study or perform witchcraft; from the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Century, Witch Trials occurred consisting of drowning, burning or hanging those suspected of sorcery and witchcraft.

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