Chapter 24: Returning to Earthland! A New Problem in Crisis!

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3rd POV:

(Morning of Kuoh)

After Y/n's date with Sona and Serafall for an entire day, Y/n is the first to wake up the next day in hotel. And he sees Sona and Serafall is still sleeping with their happy faces from yesterday.

Y/n: *yawn* Man, what a night we had.*nudges* Sona, Serafall, it's time to wake up.

Sona and Serafall slowly waking up from their sleep, seeing Y/n and taking turns of kissing him on lips.

Sona/Serafall: (happy) Good morning Y/n/hubby!

Y/n: (smile) Morning girls, how do you two sleep?

Sona: (smile) We slept well, thank you for asking. We enjoyed our time together yesterday.

Serafall: (smile) Yeah, you're so thoughtful of giving each of us a present. We love it. But we're kind of sad to see you off.

Y/n patted their heads and kissed them on their foreheads to comfort them.

Y/n: Hey don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again. I'll let you two and my family know how it turns out on Earthland, I promise.

Sona/Serafall: (smile) Okay, we believe you.

Y/n: Well we should get take a shower, dressed up and meet them at the house to announce our departure.

Y/n, Sona, and Serafall are all washed up, dressed up, and heading their way to their house.

As they have arrived at the front door, Y/n opened the door and greeted for a hug by his mother, Trish and Y/n accept her hug.

Trish: (smile) Y/n, my little hunter you're back.

Y/n: (smile) Hey mom, we're home.

Trish noticed Sona and Serafall with her son and she hugged them both.

Trish: Hey Sona, Serafall welcome back.

Sona/Serafall: (smile) It's good to see you again Trish.

Trish: Hey no need to be formal, called me Mother in the future alright~. I heard from Kuroka and the others that my son went on a date for a day. I hope my son treat you two well.

Sona: (smile) Yes of course. Your son is an amazing person to be with.

Serafall: (smile) Yeah, hubby here give us a present for us. He's so thoughtful. *giggles*

Y/n: *chuckles* There you have your answer mom. I always treat my lovers right.

Trish: (smile)...I see. Come inside, there's a box for you Y/n. The others are waiting for you in the living room.

Y/n: Okay? Let's go inside.

Y/n is a bit confused of a package while Sona and Serafall noticed his expression. They heading inside the house in living room and they met up with Kuroka and the others.

Kuroka: (smile) Darling, welcome back. I hope your day went well.

Y/n: Yep, we had a great time together, with no interruptions.

Asia: (smile) That sounds nice, was it great Sona and Serafall?

Sona: (smile) Oh yes, Y/n is very great. Our days was fantastic.

Serafall: (smile) Yeah, hubby here give us a present for us. We love it.

Kyrie: (smile) That's so sweet of you Y/n. *giggles* I remember when Nero gave me a necklace of my performance.

Nero: *blush* Y-yeah I remember. How can I forget.

Rossweisse: (smile) How romantic of you Y/n. I wonder you have something things that you like to give us~?

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