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My name is Grace. I'm a professional wrestler. I'm starting this blog on the advice of an old timer I shared a locker room with. He was sad about all the years he's been in the biz and all the memories he's forgotten. He said that I should keep a diary. Since I'm not a 12-year old girl from 1950 I'm doing this.

My wrestling name is Amazing Grace. This isn't a good choice because there's a million social media accounts with that name about Christianity. I didn't think about that. I was on the spot. I was at my first show and the guy says "What's your name?" I panicked a little bit. I never thought about it before that moment. I'm kind of stuck with that name now. I waited too long to change it.

I'm new to wrestling so I'm still learning. Another thing I'm learning to do is magic. Real magic. Not what Dustin Tavella does. I don't think so anyway. The guy that taught me real magic was also a stage magician so maybe that's a thing. I don't know. There's a lot to learn.

Magic is not as cool as you think, but it's still pretty cool.

The only thing I really have to say today is that a lot of women get pissed about people knowing their weight. If I'm lucky I have someone announce my weight to a roomful of people 3-4 times a week. It's not usually my actual weight, but that doesn't matter because whatever they say is going to make people think about how much I weight. The more people in a week who find out what I weigh the better the week is for me.

So I got that going for me.

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