Poor people are so stupid, why don't they just get more money?

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I left for a show in Rapid City. RNBPL (why are people calling her Rin Bipple in the comments? That's dumb) stayed at the hotel to enjoy the free magic. I told her to be careful with that because according to the professor, over time hanging out in a magic zone fucks you up.

Backstage at the show, Stevie Smokewagon was on the phone bickering with his wife. I try to leave the room when something like that is going on but some guys were smoking crack out in the hallway so I had nowhere to retreat to unless I wanted to hang with them. I didn't.

So I heard his side of the fight at least. It was about money. Which seems typical in relationships from what I've seen.

Smokewagon was telling his wife that he has to spend all their money to look like he was a bigshot because that's his gimmick. His told him to change his fucking gimmick. Which is a pretty good counterpoint.

If you're on the same show as me, things aren't going so well for you that you can't afford to switch things up. Get yourself a taffy-pink jumpsuit with a purple star on it can call yourself Starboy. The end. No maintenance costs there.

The rich asshole gimmick has been around since wrestling began. I don't think it works well in these modern times. One reason is because there aren't any blue-collar working man gimmicks around to fight against them. There are no wrestling garbage men or electricians or construction workers anymore.

Why not? Because people don't hate the idle rich like they used to. The wrestling crowd of today is mostly people that don't hate lazy rich jerks, they want to be lazy jerks. To appeal to audiences now, the heel should be the gross poor person who works for a living and the good guy beating them up should be a reality star that got famous and rich by releasing a sex tape and has no talent of any kind.

That's what the people want.

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