Can you dig it?

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Erie is bigger than I expected. I thought it was a small town but it's easily the equal of Tuscaloosa, South Bend, or Wichita Falls. Wasn't there a crappy TV show about some kids fighting aliens in Erie? Or witches?

My spell led me to an abandoned trailer park. An abandoned trailer park is a creepier thing than I expected. That could be because I was looking for a maybe werewolf killer maybe crazy man maybe serial murderer. That might have made it seem creepier. It was pretty creepy regardless.

The magic took me to a trailer that seemed as abandoned as the others, but I thought old Scrap Iron could be squatting there. There was no door so I knocked on the outside wall for a while and skulked around.

It didn't seem right to walk in uninvited but that's eventually what I did. The place was mostly cleaned out but I found a stack of Playboys, a bandoleer belt type thing with a bunch of throwing knives on it, and a sealed plastic pack of body bags.

Nothing to worry about there.

I had about decided that the spell didn't work when I had a flash of insight. Scrap Iron was there, he just wasn't alive. It wasn't a vision. I didn't see it. I just knew that he was buried under the trailer.

For several hours I indecisively did nothing. The lame plan I eventually came up with was to call the cops and tell them that I had been in a bar and heard someone talking about a body being buried out here and came to check it out.

Erie PD must not have a lot on their plate because they came out to talk to me. They didn't bring in a backhoe and dig the place up, but they show up. When it became clear they weren't going to do anything, I asked if it would be okay if I dug around.

They said since I was trespassing that wouldn't be a good idea. When I called them back to the place two six packs and a shitload of digging later, they weren't pumped about the bones I found. But they didn't arrest me for trespassing.

The good news is that based on whatever cops base things on they think the body was buried there before I was born. So I'm not a suspect in the murder. That's the trouble with digging up bodies. People assume you put them there.

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