I met Joe DeRosa once, seems nice

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A lot of older wrestlers like to play the world-weary veteran persona and dispense nuggets of wisdom to the young bucks. Regardless if they want to hear them. One of the very few advantages of being in the biz for a while is that the new guys feel obligated to pretend to listen to you.

No once does that with me of course because I'm a GIRL.

One thing I overheard a wise elder saying is that if you're going to marry a stripper it shouldn't be a stripper who works in one of the all nude joints. And if you do marry one of the all-nude you then at least make it sure she's not one that gives handjobs in the backroom for a 100 dollars. Because, as this wise man explained, those sort of strippers hate men.

Men pay 100 dollars for a handjob? That's crazy.

I don't know what kind of stripper Kandy Kane is, but she seems legitimately concerned about Phillip as a human even though she's only "sort of" dating him. It would be sweet of her if he wasn't a garbage person.

In the show Better Call Saul the criminal fixer guy that was a veterinarian. That seemed silly to me before. Now that I'm dipping my toe in the criminal veterinarian world I realize it makes sense. A vet has drugs. A doctor can write you a prescription, but a veterinarian actually has the stuff. And they don't work at a hospital so they're the only ones keeping track of their stock?

Selling drugs is a no-brainer. And then one of your drug friends gets shot and they come to you because you can patch them up with all that messy hospital shit. And then we're off to the races. As a hub for drugs and discreet medical care, you get to know all the players, the logical next step is being a middleman. A veterinarian clinic is good for laundering money too I bet.

Plus veterinarians murder dogs and cats all day long so they're probably dead inside. Looking at the facts, it's probably unusual for a veterinarian not to be a criminal facilitator.

I asked Gary if vampires were a real thing. He does't know. He didn't even know that ghosts were real. I had to tell him that. My bet is that Mr. X is "just" a blood mage, I could see how a normal person would think "vampire" if they encounter blood magic.

What to do about it, that's the issue.

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