1. Replacement

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The sunlight was glistening on the dashboard as we drove. My father brought home Sarah James about 2 years ago and introduced her as his girlfriend. They've gotten married and have been for over a year. I'm 16 now and since Sarah has an important job here in San Diego, California, we have to move from our hometown. Even though they've been together for awhile, I still don't know a lot about Sarah.

"Fix your face, Lena Havana." my father says to me as we pull up to our new home.

"It's fixed." I said with a frown.

"Come on, this is a new start for us." he said trying to lighten up the mood.

"I don't want to start over."

"I know you miss your mother but-"

"She has nothing to do with my anger right now." I cut him off.

Every time I was mad he wanted to blame it on my mom's death. He doesn't realize that sometimes he just makes me plain old mad. He doesn't realize that sometimes I cry about other things. I had a promising scholarship to go to New York and pursue my dancing. I was so close until this move. I had to help pack and miss my lessons. Maybe my anger is coming from nerves. I'm nervous about starting school over again in this new place. Maybe I'll make some new friends. I didn't have any back home.

My mom was my best friend. We were so close that sometimes I forgot she gave birth to me and still deserved respect. She always showed me that if she could get down on my Pre-Teen level and be humble and understanding then when the time came, I could do that with my own children. I still hurt sometimes about my mom even though its almost been 4 years. I think about her everyday. Her smile, her voice, her motherly love. Nothing like it in this world.

When we get out of the car I look at the house with a deep breath. It's beautiful. This is not a house, this is a mansion. It's much bigger than my old home. A garden surrounded the huge staircase that led to the front door. The driveway could fit at least 10 cars in it at a time. I walked the large steps slowly and my dad followed from a distance.
The front door opened before I could even knock. Sarah smiled at me and I gave her a small smile back. I saw the stair case and I walked past her to them. I saw about five doors in the large hallway. The room that was chosen for me had my name in stickers on the door.

I opened the door and it was huge and it has a balcony. I still can't believe this is where I live. I look at my room and explore on the balcony. From outside of the open gate around the house I see most of my new neighborhood. I pull my straightened hair into a ponytail and walk back into the house.

I looked around the room slowly then across the hall from all the bedrooms was two grand entrance doors. I pushed them both open to see a huge open space. The floor is flawless marble. It looks like an fancy ballroom. It's gorgeous in here and the walls are decorated in glass colorful stained glass. On the back wall of the room is a glass window. I walk all the way back to see the backyard. It's pool paradise and track central.

As I walk back towards the front I'm absolutely intrigued. As I'm walking out I catch Sarah walking up the stairs. I freeze where I am and her eyes bug out.

"I see you found my thinking space." she says laughing a little.

"It's beautiful in there." I say back.

"Your dad told me you used to take dance lessons. Was it Formal Dance?"

"Yes, I wanted to be a ballerina." I smiled. My mom had put me in the lessons when I was just 4. I even continued after she passed away.

"You could still be one. I had it remodeled for you. I even had a track built in the back so you could continue doing track also."

I haven't done track in awhile but maybe I'll meet some new people that way at school.

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