10. Bang Part 1

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My aunt decided to go orientation with me and it went pretty smoothly. This school was big and fancy. The bathrooms were clean and everything. I got my schedule and met my teachers and then I left.

Sarah was home when we got back and I got nervous about them meeting. As we walked through the door Sarah came around the corner out the kitchen.

"Well hello." She smiled.

"Hi Sarah! This is my Aunt Marissa."

They shake hands and we just stand there.

"Well I'm gonna head on out. I love you baby girl. Call me anytime. I live about a hour away though."

"Okay, I love you too."

As she leaves I turn to Sarah. She just smiles and breathes deeply.

"She looks so much like your mom."

"I know right. Strong genes." I laugh.

"Yeah, very strong genes."

I walk in my room to see Cardo sleeping in my bed. Me and Cardo are all alone. I get a nervous feeling in my stomach from the thought. I just don't want to do anything stupid. He's so tempting. His eyes flutter open and I couldn't even say hey.

"What was that last night?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders and rubs his eyes, "I don't know."

I get in my bed with him and he brushes my hair out of my face and nuzzles my face with his nose. Please do it again. What am I thinking? No don't do it again. But if you want to that's cool.

I smile and we lay there watching TV and making comments. Sarah calls my name and I get up to go see what she wants. "Hey Lena?"

"Ma'am?" I reply kind if taken back by the sudden brightness in her tone. We stand there in the living room as I wait for her to explain.

"Okay I can't hold it. I'm...pregnant."

"I'm gonna be a big sister?" I didn't see that coming.

"You are!"

"I'm gonna be a big sister!" I say again shocked. We hug and I think about how happy my dad will be. He always wanted more children.

"Is Cardo still here?" She asks.

"Yeah he's In my bed." I should rephrase that because I think she's about to have a heart attack. Her eyes are super wide and she just swallowed hard. "We were just watching TV he's probably on the couch now." She relaxes from my words and laughs. I smile and laugh with her because It did almost happen though.

I walk out and I go into the big ballroom. I love this place. I twirl and start doing some old dance moves from when I was on the dance team. I play some music and just wild out. When I run out of breath I sit down and breath hard in and out. It felt so good to just... dance and not worry about anything. I hear the door open and Cardo walks in. I'm still breathing hard and the music still plays. I stand up and walk towards him. We meet right in the middle of the room.

"What are you doing in here?" he asks.

"Dancing." I breath out. 'Elastic Heart' plays by Sia and I look at him. For the championship in 8th grade we danced to this.

"I wanna see you dance." he tells me.

"I just wanna see you strip." I smile and sing while stepping back from him. I wait till it gets to the chorus before I start. He watches me with a smile. When the song is over he claps for me and even whistles. I laugh and do little moves to next song. "So much I have to learn." he rubs his chin.

I shrug and continue to move to the song. He stands behind me and puts his hands on my hips. I look back at him and he smirks. We dance for 3 more songs and its nice to have a partner even though all he did was hold on and turn me in a circle. Most guys would just grind but he actually danced with me. He has some rhythm too. It feels like we're in a club but it isn't packed.

"I'm gonna be a big sister." I tell him as he holds me close.

"I know." He smiles and kisses my cheek. I'm so excited.

"So y'all in here dancing and laughing without us." I heard Danny. Cardo let go of my waist and I turned to everyone. I giggled and shook my head no really fast.

"I'm hurt." Ray fake cries.

"My heart." Carlos breaths out making a stabbing gesture to his heart. I invited them in and even taught them a few dance moves.

Sarah wants to take us out to dinner tonight. My dad good t called into work so he couldn't make it but he was informed of the good news. I got dressed up because there is a lot to celebrate tonight. There were like 5 body guards following us. I don't know how she does this. We sat at the table and ordered and talked a little. The guys told Sarah about my aunt and stuff. "She seems like a nice woman." Sarah complimented. "I met her earlier today."

"Yeah she looks like my mom a lot." I say.

"Well she sure is beautiful, you look like your mother too." she smiles.

"Thanks." I smile and sip on my soda I ordered. She has no idea how good it feels to hear that from someone who means it. After we all got finished we rode back home in different cars. Cardo said he was staying the night with me and Sarah so all the guys went back to their homes. Dinner was nice and when I got home I was out like a light switch.


Boom! Boom! Boom! I hear loud bangs from downstairs. Then Cardo comes running in my room with his gun out. This is real.

"Come on, Lena. I need you to get up. Grab your phone and anything else important." he explains. I rush to follow his orders while he stands in front of the door. Rounds of shots fired ring through out the house as I unintentionally whimper at the sounds. "Come on, Le." he grabs my hand.

"What's going on?" I ask as we quickly run down the stairs.

He stops and turns to me. "This is the fast life. People will do anything for money. Rob you and kill you."

"They're here to kill us?"

"Yea but we ain't gone let it happen."

I didn't think to ask about Sarah but I assume she's safe. The gunshots are still going and the atmosphere is gas polluted. I realize that the living room is on fire. I snatch my hand from Cardo's and run back up the stairs.

"Lena!" I hear him scream after me. I kept going.

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