3. Daddy

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When we got home the guys decided to not to stay. They got straight in there cars and pulled off after a phone call.

Going up the stairs I think of what I'll tell my father. Sarah is right behind me but we part ways as soon as we walk in the house. Opening the door I smell spaghetti and garlic. I try to go straight to the stairs. "Well I'm glad you got in safe. Where have you been Lena?" my father questions from behind me. I have a slight flashback to 'Good Times'. I think about saying, 'I was with J.J' but I can tell he's not in a playing mood.

Turning around I explain "I went shopping with Sarah." I held up my bags for emphasis.
"Is Sarah your parent?" he asks with attitude in his voice.

"No." I answer giving him back his nasty tone.

"Don't give me that attitude shit. You should have asked me if you could go." he said looking a little angry.

"Okay, FATHER."

"And what's the emphasis shit for?"

"Nothing." I shake my head trying to walk off.

"Don't walk away now, since you want to be slick, enlighten me." he yells at me.

Turning around I yell right back at him, "You trying to be a parent now! You know MOTHER was the only one I remember being at home. I don't even think you loved her."

After I told him that I tried to run up the stairs away from him. He followed me and snatched my arm with a death grip. My arm was pulsing with pain as I screamed. "I can't stand when you say bullshit like that. I loved your mom with everything in me." He started to cry in my face. Tears fall from my eyes too as I turn my face away from him. My heart was beating out of my chest as I hoped he would let me go soon. I had lost feeling in my arm.

"Let go." I cried as I pulled away from him crying harder. When he realized I was hurting he snapped out of it and let go stepping back from me. I fell on one of the stairs and put my head in my hands as I cried.

"What happened? Darrell! I just took her shopping. It was no big deal!" Sarah exclaimed.

"You need to let me know when you take my daughter out of this house." He yelled in her face.

"You need to calm your ass down." She yelled back. I couldn't even sit there anymore.

I ran upstairs and fixed my face then walked back down for dinner after a good nap. I didn't wanna wake up from it.

Walking back down stairs we all have dinner and it was very strange with no one talking. As I walk in the kitchen I start to feel a headache coming on. Leaning up against the counter I hold my head together tightly. It feels as if it will fall apart. I hear Sarah's voice calling my name. I then feel her coming behind me and rub my back.

"Lena?" Sarah speaks again.

I feel kind of dizzy. When I try to lean up it feels like an anchor was just pushing me down. Sarah caught my before I fell.

My body felt limp and I could hear my breathing start to increase. My dad soon came in and picked me up and I was being led to the car. The last thing I saw before darkness was the ceiling spinning.


I opened my eyes to the sound of beeping. Looking around I noticed the familiarity of a hospital room. No one was in the room and I tried to forget all the bad memories of the last time I was here. Mom had just died and the doctors said I had Chronic Migraines. I hate it.

I have to take this special headache medicine and another pill everyday to slow my heart rate and I haven't taken them in weeks. My dad hasn't had them refilled because I told him I didn't need them. I guess this is a slap in the face.

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