28. Confident

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'You'll Never Know' by Ariana Grande plays on the Radio as I drive from San Francisco. It's 10:00 p.m. and I'm getting a little sleepy. I already called Cardo to let him know that I'm on the way home. Nala is already asleep. 

As I pull into the driveway I grab the gun Cardo gave me and my purse. I lock the doors to my car and start to walk to the stairs.

"Hey!" I hear someone shout and I run up the rest of the stairs. Before I can bang on the door I feel myself being thrown into the wall by the door. Tears fall down my face as I realize what's about to happen. I'm punched in my jaw and my gun goes flying. I rush to try and get it but he grabs me by the legs and flips me over. I scream in agony as my back hits the ground hard. I kick him in the shin and he lets my leg go.

I rush back to the gun with my back hurts so bad it feels like I'm about to break in half. I grab the just as the guy slaps me in my face again. I slap him with the gun and he goes flying to the ground. I put my finger on the trigger as he tries to get up again.

"Lena! Don't pull the trigger!" Cardo yells at me.

I close my eyes as I pull it anyway. Shooting him in his chest twice. Opening my eyes I see him slowly falling off of his knees and down the stairs. I watch and then turn around to see Cardo looking at me shocked. I grab my phone from off the floor and call Carlos. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hello." he states irritated into the phone. I explain everything to him.

"I'm on the way." he tells me before clicking off the line.

I take a deep breath as I walk backwards into the house. "I'm fine." I state simply walking into the house and going up the stairs.

Going in our room I look in the bathroom mirror and I punch it repeatedly. I was angry. Angry at everything and everyone. When I finished I couldn't feel the pain from my cut up, bloody knuckles. I slid down to the floor rocking and holding my knees. Cardo steps over everything as he comes to wrap his arms around me. I just cry harder as he tells me it's okay.

I feel myself being lifted off the ground and I hold onto him and lay my head in the crook of his neck. When we make it to the bed He puts me on my feet and instead of getting in the bed I fall to the ground. I lay there and cry.

Cardo slid down to the ground and holds me in his arms. I take a deep breath as I kiss his lips. He reluctantly kisses me back and sits up taller.

"You okay?" Cardo asks me rubbing my back slowly. He stares me in the eyes and I shake my head. "I know you not."

After I take a hot bubble bath, Cardo wrapped my hands up and gives me medicine. I got in my bed and got comfortable then he left after calling Serenity over. My room door opens and Katrina steps through closing it back. She doesn't say anything as she climbs in the bed with me and we watch a movie and stay quiet until Ray walks in.

"You coming with me?" he asks Katrina.

"Nah I wanna stay here with Le."

"Alright." he comes over and kisses her lips. He comes up to me and kisses my forehead. "We gone fix it."

After he walks out Katrina turns my way and looks me dead in the eyes. I wait for her to speak.

"What happened?" She asks.

I don't answer her but her face tells me she knows the answer to her question. It doesn't take long for my breathing to even out and sleep to come over my body.


I'm still a little shaken up about the incident but I guess I can deal. Its been 2 days since it happened I guess you could say I reacted well. Nala had an appointment today and Cardo is going with me this time. It's just a regular check up because she has just turned 5 months old today. Him and I are going to meet each other at the doctors office. I grab a granola bar and throw it in my purse. Nala is already in her car seat ready to go. I have her diaper bag ready with bottles and pacifiers. Grabbing her car seat I head out the door and lock it. I've been so stressed out lately. Serenity is here with me. She's like security. She's also a good friend that understands. If I go to school in San Fran then I'll have to move. Cardo and everyone knows I've been considering it. Katrina said I should be close to everyone but something bad could still happen even if we're in the same house.

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