24. Different

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Nala's first appointment is today and after it I'm going to my aunt's job so we can go to lunch. Me and Katrina are going to the appointment because its Wednesday and I guess it was hectic at the drug houses. Cardo went straight to the trap house. Today is my birthday and I officially am 17.

I decided to look a little nice because I am surprising my aunt and making her go to lunch with me. Maybe if I look cute enough she'll feel bad and join me. Katrina also looks cute today. She has on a short sun dress with a pair of golden bar sandals. Her hair is up in a bun. She says she loved my hair when she saw it.

As we drive to the doctors across town we sing a long to all the songs on the radio. I laugh at Katrina because she is singing so quietly until the chorus comes in. I can't believe how close I've gotten with her these past few months. She was so quiet before and now she's feisty sometimes.

She has the biggest heart though and I've noticed a few things about her appearance that have changed. Her stomach has a little pudge to it and her thighs are bigger. Oh I have a surprise for her when we get done with Nala's appointment.


She got her shots today, poor little baby screamed for mercy. It brought tears to my eyes as Katrina rubbed my back. Nala is sucking on her bottle as the doctor is printing up her shot record.

"Okay Miss Morreno. Is there anything else I can do for you today?" Dr. Evans asks me as he passes me the records.

I look over at Katrina then back at the doctor. "Yes I would like pregnancy test taken. Both types you offer please." Katrina looks at me shocked as the doctor tells us he will be right back.

"You didn't tell me you were pregnant!" Katrina looks at me shocked.

"Oh I'm not taking this test." she looks confused. "You are." I smile.

"What? Why?"

"I've noticed the changes and let me find out you already knew!"

She looks down as the doctor comes back in pushing in ultrasound equipment. A nurse passes me a gown as I pass it to Katrina who changes in the bathroom. As she walks back out the nurse passes her a cup to pee in.

My leg is shaking so fast right now. I'm so scared for her. She walks back in and the nurse takes her sample. We're teenagers. She will have to go through carrying a child. When she sits in the examination table she bursts into tears as she covers her face. "I don't want to be a mom! My mom is going to kill me!" She cried.

I grab her hand and I look down at Nala who is fast asleep. I lay her in the clear bassinet and I text Cardo.

Me: We'll be home a little later than I thought. Don't worry we're fine.

Cardo: Okay I'll see you later then.

I don't reply to his message I just lock my phone. The doctor comes back in 15 minutes later and tells us the results.

"Okay well, your results from the urine test are telling me that you are in fact pregnant but I'm going to do a ultrasound anyway." Dr. Evans tells her.

She just nods as the doctor pushes her shirt up and squirts the gel on her stomach. He turns the machine on a picks up the wand. As it spreads across her stomach the doctor points to a particular point and it looks like a bean sprout. And that's the baby. She cries as she looks down. I knew but I'm still shocked. What are we going to do? How will she tell him? I know I can't leave her like this. We have to stick together through this.

"You both are under the age of 18 so I will have to inform your parents. Miss Morreno you are already considered an adult because you've given birth." He explained to me and Katrina. I just nodded like I knew. Lies.

"Can we just keep it a secret, I promise I won't tell." Katrina said.

"That is against policy."

"Can't I just set up another appointment and then tell her myself while you're here."

"I can arrange for that."

As we leave the doctor's office Katrina is quiet as a mouse. She doesn't say a word the entire car ride. As I drive to the house because I forgot my wallet I see chaos. I pull into the driveway to see 3 police cars and regular cars. Reporters surround the gate of the house as I tell Katrina to stay in the car with Nala.

I run to the house as a police officer stops me. "Woah there ma'am no one is allowed in the house."

"This is my home! What happened?" I scream at the man as he looks at me with pity.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but the resident of this house is dead. We found her in the kitchen stabbed to death after a neighbor called in seeing a break in." his words make my breathing increase.

I turn around and cover my mouth as I sob. I can't believe she's dead. I hoped, I prayed it wasn't true. "No, are you sure?" I ask the police officer.

"Would you like to identify the body for yourself?" He asked patting my shoulder. I nodded and he led me to the ambulance. They unzipped the body bag and my aunt was laying in it. She's dead. My last reminder of my mom. I hurts so bad that I'm num to the feeling now. My Auntie is gone. This had to be Karma.

"Lena? What's wrong?" Katrina asked me. My back was turned so I just shook my head. "Oh my God!" She says as she pulls me away from the scene. I felt dead inside as I got in the car. Katrina took me to her house and let me lay in her bed. I curl my body up. I continue to cry as she climbs in the bed and wraps her arms around me. This has been the worst birthday ever.

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