17. Dylan

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Me and Dylan have been hanging out for the past two weeks. I haven't told Cardo about him because it's not a big deal. I hope it's not.
"What are you doing after your appointment?" Dylan asked me. We are having lunch in the mall.

"Celebrating my cast being off." I smiled.

"Oh girl finna be twisting around again." Dylan snickered.

"Oh my gosh no." I giggled as my phone rang. It was Cardo so I stopped laughing and answered. "Hey Cardo." I said.

"Where are you?" He growled into my phone.

"I'm uh... I'm having lunch." I answered nervously. He sounds really angry. I can hear his heart beating through the phone.

"With who? You know what I already know."

"Cardo he is just a friend."

"He? Katrina said you was with her..."

I didn't answer him. His breath got even more heavy in my ear. "Who the fuck is he? You cheating on me?"

"What? No! I would never... Cardo I love you." I said looking up at Dylan. He sipped on his soda while looking away with wide eyes.

"It don't seem like it lately." Cardo said with venom.

I hung up on him and rolled my eyes. Dylan sipped on his drink until it was empty and made a screeching sound. "Will you take me to my doctors appointment?" I asked him.

"Sure... let's go." He stood up and grabbed my crutches for me. He helped me back to the car and we drove off to the office. "You okay?" Dylan asked clearing his throat.

"I guess." I answered shortly.

He didn't ask anything else for the remainder of the ride. When we got to the office I spotted Sarah standing by her car with my Aunt Macy. He helped me out and gave me my crutches. "Thank you." I smiled at him weakly. He nodded and gave me a hug. Then my aunt came and helped me into the office.

My doctor saw me quickly because we got there early. While my doctor was gone to get my x-rays Sarah asked my ten thousand questions. "What's going between you and Cardo?" She asked.

"Nothing..." I mumbled.

"Who was that boy?"

"Dylan, he is a friend and I guess Cardo doesn't like our friendship." I answered.

"He is very protective Lena. I know you guys are going to argue but I can't stand it." Sarah told me.

"Where is my dad?" I ask blatantly while she's feeling weak. I looked up at Sarah.

"He's gone missing but I'm doing everything-"

"Missing? My dad's been missing for months now and you didn't think to tell me! What the fuck is wrong you!" I yelled at her.

"Watch your mouth!" My aunt said thumping me in the face.

"I'm sorry Lena I just didn't want to worry you. He seems to have disappeared. I can't find him anywhere."

"MY DADDY IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE AND YOU'RE JUST NOW TELLING ME." I cried and yelled her. Aunt Marissa pulled me in her embrace and then the doctor walked in.

"Uh is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah sorry." I answered fixing my face. My daddy is out there. Probably helpless. She waited 2 months to tell me the truth.

"Well it looks like your cast can stay off now." She smiled while showing me the x-rays. I smiled too. Now I can finally walk around without anyone's help. "I want you to take it slow stills though. No sports or any kind of running." She pointed at me playfully. I just nod and leave out without even seeing if anyone was following. I'm angry at Sarah for keeping this from me. 

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