9. Home

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It's been 2 weeks since I found out about the second life of Sarah. School starts next Monday and I will be attending Hamilton High School. I have orientation this Friday and it should be fun. I have started dance lessons again. I started last week and I've been enjoying it. My dad had come home and doesn't know of anything. My bruises have faded and my scar is just a little scratch on my face now.

It's Thursday now so I have a time to get my style together. Me and the guys went to the movies earlier to see 'Big Hero 6' it was pretty good actually. The boys were laughing and being childish. They talked about everybody in the movie.

We're just riding around now it's about 3 in the afternoon. "Lets go shopping." I suggested. Sarah has started to give me an allowance for when I clean the house and I help her in the garden sometimes. I've been saving up for about a week now. She gave $400 for helping in the garden and $120 for the chores.

We pulled up to the mall and I'm glad when they get out quickly because I was in the back with Ray and Cardo packed like some sardines.

We went all out in the mall. They let me pay for all my stuff, but I had to beg them though. All of our stuff wouldn't even fit in the car so Ray drove Cardo to go get his car. While me, Carlos, and Danny were waiting for them lots of girls stopped and flirted with them. I just smiled because I knew they would dog them out when we got home.

"Lena!" I hear behind me. Turning around I see my Aunt Marissa on my moms side of the family. I ran over to her and she grabbed me in her arms. "Oh my goodness look at you, You're so beautiful. I almost thought you were Lesleigh."

I laugh and just hug her. She went to prison when I was 7 for the murder of her rich husband. My mom would get a call every Saturday from her. The prison unit wouldn't let her come home for mom's funeral though. I haven't talked to her in a good year but I'm glad she's home. How did she get to California though?

"Who are these boys standing behind you?" She whispers in my ear. I pull away from her and look behind me to see Danny and Carlos looking confused.

"These are my friends, Danny and Carlos. There are 2 more they'll be back." I explain smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. This was the only aunt I knew but she was favorite anyways. My mom had another older sister sister but she disappeared before I was born. 

"How are you boys doing?" My aunt waves to them. They wave back and smile at her. When she turns back to me Danny's eyes roll to the back of his head and he pretends to pass out. Carlos catches him and fans his face dramatically before fanning himself. It took everything in me not to laugh.

"This is my Aunt Marissa guys." They nod their heads and come stand closer to us looking around. They try to play dumb at the fact they just drooled for my aunt. If I was a guy and me and her weren't related I would too. She has a caramel skin tone and big brown eyes just like me. A big beautiful smile adds to her charm. No one would believe she's 37.

"How are you doing?" We just stand there and update each other on our lives. Then Cardo and Ray pull up in the front of us and get out. I see its Cardo's Porsche. They pause when they see my aunt.

"This is my Aunt Marissa." I say to Cardo and Ray. "This is Ray and Cardo." I say to my aunt gesturing to them.

"Hiya! Now which one if you is her boyfriend?"

"Oh my gosh Auntie!!!" I scream and laugh and so do the guys but Cardo just smirks. "Oooh it's you ain't it." She looks Cardo up and down with a laugh before pinching his cheeks. I just laugh and he smiles looking at me.

After we put all the stuff in both cars and I invite my aunt over for dinner and she follows us home.

"Damn, I haven't seen you that happy ever." Cardo said as we are riding. It's only me and him in his car.

"I love her!!! She is like my best friend." I explain still smiling.

"That's good... you got somebody that you like with you now."

"I like you guys around me....I love you guys." I say smiling at the end.

"That's okay. You ain't gotta like me." He has a smug look on his face.

I laugh and we just continue to talk. He started selling dope when he was 12. I asked about his mom and he tensed up.

"I'm sorry..."

"Nah you good. She left me to Aunt Sarah years ago and I haven't seen her."

"She left you?"

"Yeah she walked out and I don't know where she at."

"That's horrible." Sarah already told me this but he doesn't have to know that.

"Yeah that's life though. You gotta deal or people gone think you on some whining shit."

"Are you going to sell forever?"

"Nah I wanna go to college and get a degree. I always liked doing company work."

"That's good." I paused and thought. "How are you still in your house without a grown up?"

"Baby I'm grown." he smirks.

"You know what I meant!"

"Easy I just pay the bills and its currently still in my moms name."


"Tell me about you."

"You already know everything."

"You right. I be seeing you during your dance lessons in the ball room. Looking like a lil ballerina."

"That's the plan."

"Imma marry be a lil dancer. You gone have to learn more freakier dances than the one's you be doing though."

"Shut up." I laugh.

Sarah's not home right now but my dad is and he would be happy to see my aunt. I can remember them getting along. As I unlock the front door my dad is sitting on the couch.
"Guess who's here daddy?" I ask him.

"Who?" He looks at the door and my Aunt Marissa walks in smiling.

"Dang you still ugly bro-in-law." She laughed.
"I made you one pretty niece though." He laughs with her as they hug.

Ray offered to give my aunt a tour while I look for something to cook. She walks in while I pull out some potatoes. "Uh uh let me cook in this beautiful kitchen!" She squeals.

I gladly stand over while she goes through the refrigerator. She gets to work and I ask what's the menu. "Cubed steak, cheese scalloped potatoes and string beans." I nod my head and walk out the kitchen while my dad is walking in.

Soon enough the guys are following behind me as we sit on the couch and watch TV until dinner is done.

The house smells so good. Just like my moms cooking. I smile at the memory and we all go in different bathrooms to wash our hands. The dining room table is already set and my aunt is sitting at the top of it. We all sit down and say our grace.

The boys are moaning eating the food. I guess they haven't had some good country cooking in a while. My mom's family is originally from Birmingham, Alabama. Me and my aunt laugh at them as we eat and dad does too. While I'm eating I wonder what Sarah's reaction to my aunt might be. After dinner I made my aunt sleep in one of the guest rooms so she wouldn't go home. We cleaned up in silence and i just took her presence in.

I was just getting out of a nice got bubble bath when someone knocked on my door. I secured my towel prepared to go back in the bathroom and told whoever it was to come in. In walked Cardo but he stopped dead in his tracks seeing me. Instead of walking out he came closer to me. I try to back up in the bathroom but he came in with me.

Lifting me up onto the bathroom sink he unfastened my towel. Or lord and to think I'm not even stopping him. He spreads my legs and steps between them. I feel something in my stomach and I think it's lust. He touches me in between my legs and looks me in the eyes. I wanted him to do more. "You're so beautiful." he says kissing my forehead and cheek. Surprisingly I kissed him on the lips. His hands held my waist as I threw mine around his neck. He grabbed my cheek and I slowed up.

He kissed me in little pecks after we stopped to breath. Before walking out of my room he pulled my towel back over my body. What in the have I gotten myself into? What if my dad had walked in? I wouldn't have known what to do.

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