15. Butterfly

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Today starts my first day of school. Cardo hasn't talked to me all this week. I'm still on crutches so my aunt is driving me and picking me.

"You ready for today?" Aunt Marissa asked me.

"I guess..." I mumbled.

"Relax baby girl it will be fine just keep your head in the books."

"Okay Auntie."

"You wanna hear something your mom used to tell me when I was nervous or upset?"

I looked up at her surprised. She hasn't said anything about my mom. "Of course."

"If you keep your head up you can't see the people that are below you and your goals. But if you have your head to high in the sky you're bound to stop watching where you're going and trip."

"I don't know what the future holds and I'm scared." I revealed to her.

"That's the point baby girl you don't have to know but you must try." She said then left my room.

I decide on simple blue jeans and a t-shirt that has a picture of Mickey Mouse. I can only wear one shoe and sadly it is a red flip flop.

When we pull up to the school I see the guys in a group with about 5 more guys in the front. My aunt rushes to my side to help me out. The car door opens and everyone around us is looking at me get out. My aunt hands me my crutches as I hold on to her still. I see Ray and Danny jog over to where I am to help, I guess. Ray takes my hands from my aunt while she gets my book bag and hands it to Danny.

"You have a good day and I'll be here this afternoon." She tells me while kissing my cheek. I smile at her and nod while Ray and Danny wait for me.

"We could take her home Te-Te." Ray said to my aunt.

She looks at me skeptically and when I shrug she says okay before getting in her car.

"You got it Lena?" Danny said walking next to me while we go up the ramp to the door to the office. I just nod and as we pass Cardo and I stop. He looks at me and walks towards me. I don't know why I stopped but it was like gravity.

He stands over me as I look up at him. I can feel the stares but I don't care. When he tries to kiss me I move away playfully. He smiles at me and opts for my forehead. His boys looked my body over and licked their lips. I move away before Cardo catches them.

"See you later, baby." He said.

"See ya." I respond back with.

"He gone miss you." Danny said.

"He's acting like I'm leaving tomorrow." I respond rolling my eyes.

Ray and Danny stand in the office with me until the fixes my schedule to accommodate the early graduation process. My first class is pre-calculus. That'll be easy enough to start the day with. As I'm walking to my class I pass Cardo and a girl in his face. I stand in front of my classroom door just as they are about to kiss. Tears burn my eyes as he looks my way. He moves the girl out his way and starts to walk towards me.

I rush in my classroom as fast as I can and the guys follow shaking their heads. I sit in a seat in the front and they look at me strangely. They drop my stuff and rub my shoulder before walking out. I lay my head on the desk and hold my breath so I don't cry. You know when you start to question your actions. Like maybe if I had let him kiss my lips that wouldn't have happened.

I feel someone rubbing my back as I hurry and try to get them away from me. "Lena stop." I know it's Cardo but I still don't want him near me.

"This is my first day and already you've seemed to ruin it so thanks!" I say to him Turning away. He pulls my face back to him and presses his lips to mine. I feel the heat coming again but I'm trying not to give in.

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