22. Ounces

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I'm so tired and I'm going home to get in this bed though and take a nice ass nap because I've been up since 4:30 a.m.

Nala woke up trying to play with me. I just made her laugh and fed her. Cardo got her dressed while I went to take my test. He had school also so he just got on up. Auntie is at the house with Nala now.

Is it bad that I have baby blues and I haven't even had a baby? I don't know why I just want to stay out as much as possible. Cardo won't be home till later and I can't stop by the trap house. Well, I guess I could. I'm sure one of the boys will be there. If not I can just leave and go home. Pulling up to the mansion I notice all the guys cars are here. Well that's good but bad at the same time. They are supposed to be at school.

Unlocking the door I see all sorts of machine guns pointed at me. I scream in terror and cover myself with my MK purse Cardo bought me the other day. MK just gone have to be my shield today because I be damned if I die.

"Oh Sorry, Lena!" one of the workers yells. "Put that shit down before we get killed!"

I close the door fully and put my purse down on my arm again. I straighten my cloths and wipe my hair down with my hand. They all look scared to death as they make an entrance for me to walk through and I am a little confused as to why they are so scared. I hope I'm not some sort of trap queen to them because I'm just their bosses girlfriend. I assume Cardo is the boss but I don't know really.

I walk through the entrance and I smile at them but they still look frightened. The feeling that gives me is unsettling and it makes me sad that those people are so scared of someone they don't know. I open the door to the office without knocking to see Ray, Carlos, Danny, and Cardo passing around a blunt. Their heads snap to me and I sit my purse down on the couch by the door.

"Lena, what the fuck are you doing here?" Cardo asks me with a semi-angry voice while standing up. I'm not appreciating it so let me give him some examples of greetings.

"Hey Lena! How was your day? Are you feeling well?" I said loudly before rolling my eyes and turning around grabbing my purse. I walk out slamming the door and let out a scream of frustration.

All of them look at me like I'm crazy as I stomp down the front steps and into my car. I grab my door handle and swing my door open but someone closes it back. I know who it is but I'm mad at his mean ass.

"Lena?" he whines as I keep trying to pull my door back open.

"Can you let my door go? Damn!" I say to him as he grabs my hands retraining him. He gone get enough of doing that shit.

"Nope." he tells me leaning on the door. "How was your day?"

"Boy Bye!" I roll my eyes.

"Lena you make me wanna punch you straight in the mouth sometimes!" He yells at me while slamming my door shut.

It shocked the hell out of me that he would say some shit like that. I look away from him and try to make my breathing even. I can't hold the anger in my voice as I yell back at him. "You yelled at me now you're mad! I can't stand your evil ass!"

"Oh I'm evil!" he gets in my face.


"You really think I'm evil?"

"Hell yeah!" I scream as his lips attack mine. He pushes me up against the car and picks me up. I grab his shirt in my fists pulling him closer to me. I pull on his hair and he grabs my ass tightly in his hands. My face gets really hot and I feel a fever coming on. Cardo continues to pin me against my car. He grinds and I pull away from his lips.

Dope DealerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora