11. Bang Part 2

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I didn't think to ask about Sarah but I assume she's safe. The gunshots are still going and the atmosphere is gas polluted. I realize that the living room is on fire. I snatch my hand from Cardo's and run back up the stairs.

"Lena!" I hear him scream after me.

I have to get it. I have to get it. I have a memory box with all my pictures of my mom and jewelry she used to give me. I realize that I won't have a chance to get it. I run into the ball room and I look in the corner where I hid it after the fight with my dad. I run in my room and I also grab the framed picture of us from off the night stand.

Tears spring from my eyes at the thought of not making it. I rush into someone on my way out and I see Cardo looking frantic. He turns to me and wipes my tears. I press my lips to his feverishly and hope and pray it won't be the last time. He kisses me back and ignites another fire just between us. We pull away breathlessly. My vision is blurry with tears, my legs are jello and I feel like I'm about to faint. I see his lips moving but I don't know what they're saying.

I give him my memory box and he picks me up bridal style as we rush down the stairs. I hear a gun shot and I feel a sharp pain in my leg. It shoots up my entire leg as I scream out in pain. I feel tears going down my cheeks as I think this is it. I feel another pain in my arm. My pajama pants fill with blood where I'm guessing I got hit.

The fresh air hits my skin and makes it hurt worse. Cardo lays me on the hood of a car and pulls out his gun and aims it at someone close to the house. I see the guys huddle around me and they look perfectly fine. I hate to look at Cardo because I know he will probably look hurt. The last thing I see before the blackness is the house covered in flames far behind us.


The guys surrounded Lena's limp body and Ray shook her trying to get her to make up. She didn't even respond. Sure they had only known her for a month but all of them had a special kind of love for Lena. They prayed she made it. The house had just blown up and now it was starting to rain. They had to hurry up and leave before the police came. They could hear the sirens now.

They hopped in their cars and Cardo put Lena in the backseat of his. They all drove off to the hospital. Cardo kept looking in the back seat at Lena he couldn't help but cry harder. He had seen his whole life with this girl and here she was in the backseat of his car probably fighting for hers.

They had to stop at a red light and Cardo angrily banged on the steering wheel as he broke down. The light turned green abruptly as Cardo pressed the gas to the floor. They all rushed in the emergency wing with Cardo carrying Lena. They immediately took her to the back and began working on her. All the boys could do was sit there and hope the doctored didn't come back and tell them it was too late.


Opening my eyes to the bright light shining in them makes me close my eyes back. I try again and it isn't so bad. My arm and leg have a faint pain to them but at least I'm alive. I look around at the empty room and I notice that there are glass walls surrounding me. Only the ICU have glass doors so they can keep watch on the patient better. Was I hurt that bad? I don't remember that much except for when I was on the hood of the car.
What happened that night slowly comes to memory again and my heart monitor starts to beat fast. Nurses rush in my room and are taken back when they realize I'm awake. My throat feels dry as I try to sit up.

"No, no let me help you." The nurse with the curly hair says rushing to me and helping me. "Are you thirsty ?" she asks me making sure I'm comfortable.

I try to speak but it comes out as a croak. "Don't try to do that yet honey just nod to me." she tells me in a gentle voice. I nod and she holds a cup to my lips as I drink from it quickly. It feels like I haven't drunk or ate anything in years.

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