16. Bee

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I've been avoiding Cardo all week. I can't break up with him though but I will make him feel how I felt. Today is Saturday and I'm supposed to go to a doctors appointment with Sarah. I don't feel like struggling with some pants so threw on a mini skirt. My jeans were so tight when I first got here. Now they have automatic wrinkles in them.

I swallow my pills and grab my phone and crutches. My aunt is waiting for me at the top with a smile. Me nor Sarah are in a position to be driving so Aunt Marissa is driving us and picking us up since she had something to do.

"You ready?" she asks as we make it to the bottom of the stairs. Today is the first time I'm going to see the baby. My dad has been out of town again according to Sarah but he would have called me. I know he would have called. I'm starting to get worried now. Even when I call his phone it goes straight to voicemail.

"Have you talked to your dad yet?" my aunt asks as we get in the car waiting on Sarah.

"No. I'm starting to get worried!" I exclaim as Sarah gets in the car.

"Okay are we ready?" she smiles turning around to me.

"Yeah." I respond with a small smile.

"Okay then!" she screeches as we pull out of the driveway. The drive to the doctors office took about an hour and a half. This office is huge like 5 floors huge. It's nice.

"Sarah Morreno." a petite woman calls from the desk.

I'm so nervous for this appointment.

"You okay Lena?" Sarah asks as we sit in the room waiting for the doctor.

"I'm fine." I respond. "Just a little nervous."

"Come here." I get up and walk towards her.

She pulls up her shirt showing off her huge stomach. She grabs my hands and puts them on her belly. I instantly feel kicks as Sarah starts talking.

"When ever I talk about you she starts kicking like crazy. She loves you already Lena. If I don't make it do this for me..." she takes a deep breath and continues. "Be her mother. I don't want her to know she doesn't have one."

Her words take me by surprise and the baby kicks really fast. My heart is racing and the doctor comes in just as I am about to say something.

"How are we today Mrs. Morreno?" the female doctor asks.

"I'm feeling good actually!" Sarah answers.

"Good! I see we have a visitor, what's your name?" the doctor asks me.

For the first time I look up and answer him.


"Okay Lena. This must be your first time so I will forewarn you that the experience is pretty extraordinary." I smile at his words.

The appointment went really well. He didn't go over Sarah's health because I'm pretty sure he knows that we all understand there is a 90% chance that she won't make it. As for the baby, Nala is a healthy little girl.

On the drive home all I could think about was what Sarah told me. 'Be her mother.' We all talked casually but it wasn't the same. It just hit home when she said that. I don't know a damn thing about being a mother but I do understand how it feels not to have one. Or should I say lose one.

As soon as we got home I saw everyone's car. I really don't want to talk to Cardo but I guess I've avoided enough. My palms are sweating as my aunt helps me through the front door. Everyone's eyes land in me and my aunt as she takes me straight to the stairs. As soon as I'm settled she walks out leaving me alone in my room. I expect Cardo to walk in at any minute. As soon as I start to go to sleep he walks in quietly. Kicking his shoes off and hoping in the bed with me he wraps his arms around me. I push him away from me and turn the other way. I take a death breath before I speak. "You think I forgot about what you did." I speak sounding stronger than I thought I would.


"You think I forgot-" I repeat a little louder this time but he cuts me off.

"I wasn't going to kiss her. You know that right?" he asks shifting to where we are looking each other in the eyes.

"You're lying. If I hadn't been there to see you, you would have kissed her."

"No I wasn't. She walked up to me and-" He argued sitting up.

"You weren't going to stop her! So just give up." I say yawning.

He grabs my face with one hand as the other pulls me closer to him. "I'm sorry baby. I'll never put myself in that position ever again if you give me another chance. I wouldn't have kissed her. I swear" He begs before roughly kissing me. I can't help but kiss him back. He bites my bottom lip making me gasp and open my eyes as he inserts his tongue in my mouth.

I moan against his lips and soon enough we a fighting for dominance. I run my hands through his short curly hair as he grabs my ass and pulls me impossibly closer to him. I can feel his erection right at the center of me and he is grinds there with purpose.

I pull away from him to catch my breath but then he starts kissing my neck sending shivers through my body. "Cardo?" I say into his neck sounding breathless and weak.

"Huh?" he continues sucking on my neck. I know without a doubt I will have a hickey there in the morning. "What do I have to do Lena?" he asks me.

"Don't talk to that girl anymore." I say pushing him away from me.

He pulls me back and in between more kisses he asks "What else?"

I continue, "Don't talk to any of the girls you know want you because they're bound to break us up." He should have already known that. A protective girlfriend knows when somebody wants her man. And I know for a fact that Ahriyah wants to jump his bones. She probably already has.

"I promise I will just don't break up with me." he kisses me on my lips again. Mesmerizing me with that passionate look in his eyes.

Smirking I say, "The next time you almost kiss another bitch you better just go ahead a fuck her because I'll be that done with you!" He nods and hugs me tighter to him.

We lay like this until we go to sleep. I hope he meant what he said because I can't just keep giving him chances. I feel like I know he had sex with that girl before. Maybe she just won't let go or maybe he keeps pulling her back.

A text wakes me up and I realize Cardo is gone. My phone vibrates with each new message.


UNKNOWN: It's been a minute

UNKNOWN: How you been big head?

I try to remember the number but I just can't so I text back.

Me: I'm sorry...who is this?

UNKNOWN: It's Dylan from down the street.

Then I remembered that he was the boy I met when I took my second walk in this neighborhood. I saved his number and wrote him back. I never really thought of him again until now.

Me: Hey Dylan it has been a minute huh

Dylan: Yeah...hru?

Me: I'm good hbu

Dylan: Not so good

Me: Whyy??

Dylan: I haven't seen you since your house blew up. Imy

Me: Aww thanks Dylan but we moved out of that neighborhood after all that.

Dylan: When could I see again?

Me: How about tomorrow?

Dylan: Perfect...gn Lena

I didn't reply to his message as I laid there and thought. Me and Dylan are just friends. What could possibly go wrong?

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