19. Crying

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Cardo turns around and looks at me and his eyes are red with tear streaks coming down his face. I cover my face with my hands as Cardo wraps his arms around me.

"They found his body in the river this morning." He tells me kissing my lips repeatedly. I can't believe he actually is gone. I can't believe he really died. I thought he would surprise me and still be alive at the last minute or something. This is a whole new playing field now. The whole entire time Cardo is kissing me my eyes are open at the realization that my daddy is dead. I'm kingless. I'll never be his princess again.

"Baby?" he whispered kissing my necks.


"You gone be okay. I know you will."

"No I won't. I want to die Ricardo." I say with my voice shaking as I look down.

The door opens and a nurse comes in with a beautiful little baby. This is our second visit in a week. I can't even sleep at night or be alone at anytime. My aunt has permanently made it her mission to sleep with me in my room at night. I just watch her at night and during the day I take a nap.

I wipe my eyes and get it together as I look over at the nurse again. A head full of curly hair is all I see from the position the baby is laying in. My heart is melting at the little ones face.

"Alright little girl here she is." the nurse tells the baby smiling. When she looks up she places her in the incubator. "Good Morning Miss Morreno!"

"Good Morning." I mumble.

"Can I assist you in anything?" she asks me.

"No thank you." I say with a smile.

She walks out with a smile leaving us alone. I look over at a wiggling baby and I notice her light green eyes staring at me. She looks just like me somehow minus the eye color. It's scary a little. Well she is my sister. I gently pick her up. She's so tiny and precious. I wish my dad was here to see this.

"I think I'm falling in love." I whisper as I rub her head with my thumb. She gives me a faint smile as she closes her eyes. I sit down in one of the chairs.

A nurse comes in with a clip board full of papers and my aunt follows.

"I have all the info I need except a name." The nurse explains.

"Nala Carissa Marrano."

"Okay I'll let you see the spelling." She shows it to me and at the nod of my head she walks out.

This child will be a reminder of Sarah everyday. A reminder of what I did. I will see past that and love this little girl with everything in me.

I'm going to be the best big sister in the world. I will make sure Nala feels like a princess everyday. I didn't think I would ever be in this position up until this point. It was almost a year ago that I moved here to start a new life and indeed I have did just that.

"We can take her home next week." My aunt smiles at me.

Sarah's body has never turned up. I don't know how to feel. It's all crazy. We've decided that my dad should have a funeral. He deserved it.

"I don't want you to die, Lena. I want you to live for Nala. For me. We need you." Cardo tells me.

I just nod and after a few more minutes the nurse comes back and takes Nala. I start to cry as they take her away. This whole hospital is convinced that I'm the one who gave birth to her. I'm even on the birth certificate as her mother. I have legal custody of Nala. It's all a blur to me. No questions are asked. Bodies are hidden and I haven't talked to Ray, Danny, or Carlos since it all happened.

My heart is broken and slowly being repaired every time I see Nala. She's my light in darkness. I had to come clean to my aunt about everything and she was pretty shocked too. She was more so hurt though. I had never seen her cry so hard. This woman we both had trusted had killed the closest person to us. I don't even know how it all happened. My mom died years ago before Sarah even came around. Everything was crazy and hectic but this is the life I was plunged into.

Cardo drove me and my aunt home and informed us of all the new security around. No one but My Aunt and Cardo knows I'm the one who killed Sarah. I hope it stays that way. I get in my bed after taking migraine medicine and take a little nap.

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