Eddie - I'M SCARED part 2

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*TW miscarriage*

It had been a few weeks since you and Eddie found out you were pregnant, Eddie was over the moon excited and so were all of your friends. The sun shines through the curtains in Eddie's room, you rolled over on your back and sighed. The morning sickness the baby had caused you was more than exhausting.

Eddie groaned as he rolled over, placing his hand on your lower stomach "Good morning my loves" he said in his low raspy morning voice as he kissed your shoulder. You closed your eyes and smiled as you turned your head towards him "Good morning sleepy head" you said.
"Did you sleep okay last night?" You asked.
Eddie looked as you and smiled before rubbing his tired eyes "mmmmyea, how about you?" He said.
"It wasn't bad, better than the night before" you said as you put your hand over Eddie's.

You groaned as you felt a wicked cramp coming on, you weren't entirely sure if it was normal but you assumed it was a least a little normal so you didn't think anything of it. Feeling like you were going to throw up you stood up and ran to the bathroom, sure enough just as you reached the toilet you threw up. This time it felt a little more intense, you held onto your stomach as it cramped up even worse. You felt what you thought was maybe just a lot of discharge leak out but you had a funny feeling so you reach down at your underwear. Bringing your hand back up you gasped. Blood. So much blood. Your hand started shaking violently and tears started forming in your eyes.

This was more blood than a period would ever be, and it was concerning how much you were losing.
"EDDIE!" You cried out from the bathroom.
"Yea babe?" He said as he approached the bathroom, expecting that you just needed his help holding your hair again like you did most mornings. He turned around the corner and saw you on the floor beside the toilet, his smile dropped as he looked down and saw the blood. He fell to his knees instantly and wrapped his arms around you, you were crying violently.
"Eddie" you sobbed into his arms "Eddie, I'm scared"
"Shhh. It's going to be okay sweetheart. It's going to be okay" he whispered as he stoked your hair out of your face, you could hear his lip quivering as he spoke.

Brining your hand up to his arm you held on as he squeezed you tighter. "We have to get you to the hospital, babe" he said in a shaky voice "Are you okay to get up?" He asked. You nodded as you continued to cry, Eddie carefully helped you onto your feet.

He helped you put a pad on before you changed into pants, Eddie slowly helped you into his van. He started the van up and put it into gear, wasting no time as he drove to the hospital. The two of you arrived in record time, he helped you to the front desk of the emergency room "Excuse me miss? We need to see a doctor. My girlfriend is losing a lot of blood" he said frantically, the woman stood up and looked down at you, you were holding your lower stomach. "This way sir" she said as she walked around the desk, she grabbed a wheel chair and let you sit down before she led you to an empty room.

Eddie and the nurse helped you onto a bed before she disappeared into the hall way, coming back with a doctor she looked at Eddie "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" she said with a stern voice
"No, I'm not leaving her-" he said with a shaky voice.
"Sir, I'm going to ask you again" the nurse spoke in a firm voice as she looked at Eddie before assisting him out of the room.

You laid in the hospital bed for what felt like hours while the doctors ran a million tests on you. At some point you must had fallen asleep, but you couldn't remember if they gave you something to sleep or if you were just that exhausted.

"Y/N?...." You heard a voice say as you started to wake up again "Y/N?....Sweetheart it's me" you opened your eyes and saw Eddie sitting beside you and holding your hand. His eyes were puffy and red, clearly he has been crying "Eddie?" You whispered as you came to. Remembering what happened you started to sit up in a panic "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Eddie said as he stood up and pushed you back down. A nurse heard you from outside the room and came running to assist him.
"Eddie" you said as you started to cry "Eddie is the baby?..." you placed your hand on your stomach, he lowered his head as he started crying again. You looked at the nurse who was holding the clipboard with your information on it, she looked up at you with a somber face "Y/N is it?" She said. You nodded your head.
"Y/N I'm sorry, there is no easy way to say this" she sighed "There unfortunately was nothing we could do, you lost the baby. Now normally when these things happen- " You stopped hearing what the nurse said, the sound of running filled your ears, the room went silent as you looked over to Eddie, who had his hand covering his mouth. You looked back at the nurse and you tuned back into what she was saying "I'm so sorry you two"
she said as she put the clip board back "I'll leave you two be" she said softly as she exited the room.

You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces, you started hyperventilating, tears started running down your face as you looked back at Eddie, who was covering his face with his hands while he cried. He brought his hands down from his face as he heard you start crying, his big brown eyes were now bright red, he stood up and crawled into the bed with you. His arms wrapped around you as the two of you grieved together.
"I'm so sorry" you said in a shaky voice "I'm sorry I lost our baby" you held onto him as tight as you could. Eddie pulled away and looked into your eyes "No Y/N, this is not your fault" he choked on his words "I love you" he said as he buried his head into your chest "I love you" he whispered.

Later that day you were discharged from the hospital, the two of you headed back to Eddie's. It was a quiet car ride home, once inside you headed straight for his room and laid on his bed. "Babe?" He called from the living room "Babe are you okay?" He asked as he entered the room. You nodded as you stared at the ceiling. The bed shifted as Eddie crawled beside you and laid down, tears started to fall down the sides of your face "hey" he whispered "it's okay Y/N" he said in a soft voice.
"No it's not Eddie, I lost our baby" you said in a shaky voice "it all my fault. Because of me we aren't going to have one".
"Y/N, look at me" he said, you were too stubborn so you kept your eyes on the ceiling "I said look at me!" He yelled. You snapped your head towards him "You can not blame yourself for this. Okay? It happens, and unfortunately it happened to us. That doesn't mean that I blame you. Y/N, I fucking love you okay?" He paused as he tried to keep it together "Y/N come here" he said as he pulled you off of the bed, you stood up in front of him. Eddie put his hands on either side of your damp face and kissed your forehead, you closed your eyes and hummed.

You felt him take a step back so you opened your eyes and watched as he walked over to his closet, he turned around and walked over to you with his hands behind his back. He looked anxious, beyond anxious actually. Once he was standing right in front of you he looked at the ground before speaking "I.. I was going to wait to do this but" he slowly kneeled down until he was on one knee, Eddie brought his hands in front of him and held out a tiny velvet box and looked up at you "Y/N, I have loved you since the second I laid eyes on you. Nothing is ever going to change the way that I feel about you..." he paused, your heart sank as you looked into those big brown eyes, you knew exactly what he was going to say next.
"Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" He said as he slowly opened the box. You were too stunned to speak, you looked down at the tiny box and saw the ring, you couldn't form any words so you just shook your head.
"Is? Is that a yes?" He asked as he smiled nervously.
"Yes, Eddie" you blurted out "Yes!"

Eddie stood up and hugged you before he placed a firm kiss on your lips "Eddie the ring" you giggled as he swung you around "And please be careful!" you shouted as you felt a cramp shoot through your body.
"Shit, right. I'm sorry" he laughed as he stopped, he took the ring out of the little box and slipped it on your finger "Wow. Perfect fit" he whispered as he smiled. You looked down at the ring, it was a simple gold band with a little ruby set in the middle, two tiny white diamonds hugged either side of the gem stone. You gasped "It's gorgeous"
"Just like you" he said softly before placing another kiss on your lips, you swung your arms around his neck and sank into the kiss even more.

Eddie hands lowered to your ass, you took the hint and jumped into his arms. He walked back to the bed and gently laid you down before crawling on top of you.
"I can't wait for you to be Mrs Munson" he flashed a toothy grin. You brought your hands up to his face and rubbed your thumb back and forth.
"Neither can I, Mr Munson" you whispered.
"...And I can't wait to have little Eddie's and little Y/N's running around" he smiled as his thumb caressed your face.
"Plural?" You giggled.
"However many you want, and whenever you want" he smiled as he kissed you.
"Let's get through this wedding first" you smiled "You're right, I think our kids can wait a little while longer. I'm not ready to share you just yet" he smiled as he kissed you again.

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