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"Joe!" You called out from the kitchen "Are you ready?" You asked as you brought the bowl of popcorn into the living room. Joe came around the corner with a smile on his face "Yes love" he said as he kissed your head and sat down beside you.

Joe had not told you anything about the season 4 finale of Stranger Things, just that he had to learn guitar for a part. You were excited to see him as Eddie, especially since you had grown quite attached to his character over the last month.

Pressing play on the tv the show starts and you're immediately captivated. You watch as the gang finally comes up with a plan to defeat Vecna.
"I hate how good Jamie is" you laugh
"Me too, he really knows what he's doing" Joe says as he cuddles you.

You reached the part where Eddie hot wires the Winnebago, your jaw drops as Eddie says to Steve "aren't ya big boy?" Joe laughs at your reaction "I just had to throw that in there" he says while giggling. You turned to him and smiled "Thank you" you laughed and looked back to the tv.

A little while passes and you arrive at the Russian Prison where Joyce, Hop, Murray and the others are."Does Hop die?" You gasped as you watched David's character challenges the Demogorgon
"Shhh just watch" Joe chuckles.

You finally reached Eddie and Dustin's big moment. You shrieked with excitement as you watched Joe absolutely smash the performance "Babe! Oh my god!" You said as you practically shook Joe off of the couch. He laughed and admired how adorable you are. You watched as Eddie and Dustin defended Eddies trailer "Wow, they really went all out with the special effects this time huh?" You said.
"Yea, it's actually quite mad" Joe said.

The two of you sat in silence as you watched the remainder of the show. Your smile quickly turned into a frown.
"No!" You yelled at the tv as Eddie fell to the ground. Tears started forming in your eyes as you watched Dustin scream Eddie's name, the way Dustin held onto Eddie in his final moments were enough to send you over the edge.
"I didn't run this time" Eddie choked on the tv
"NO!" You shouted again "No no no no no, I can't do this" you started crying harder as you watched the life leave Eddie's eyes, Dustin's reaction to his friend dying made you cry even harder. Gaten's performance was outstanding, as always.

"Hey hey hey, come here" Joe whispered as he wrapped his arms around you "It's okay darling" he hummed as you continued to cry, Joe reached for the tv remote and paused the tv as you started to cry even harder.
"No, Joe I can't" you were practically hyperventilating at this point. He put his hands on the sides of your face "Hey hey, Darling, it's okay" he said in a soft voice "I'm right here Y/N, just ignore the tv I'm right here" he said as he turned it off and looked into your eyes. You looked up at his big brown eyes.
"Darling, it's okay" he said as he rubbed his right thumb back and forth on your cheek. Joe pulled your face into his and placed a soft kiss on your lips, you moved your lips in rhythm with his and hummed. He pulled away and looked back into your eyes "It's okay, I'm right here" he said as he pulled you into a hug.

You wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your head on his shoulder, you took deep breaths as you tried to calm down. Joe rubbed your back and hushed you to try and get you to calm down. After what felt like an hour you pulled away from the hug and looked at him "I hate you" you said quietly.
"What?" He said with a confused look on his face.
"You're such an amazing actor" you gave a small smile "I've never cried so bloody hard at a fictional death in my life" you added.
Joe smiled at you "I love you, Y/N" he said as his hand hooked under your chin and lifted it, bringing you in for another kiss. You sank into his kiss, this man had you wrapped around his finger and he knew it. "I love you too, Joe" you hummed.

"Do you want to finish the show?" He asked.
"Yes but only if we can watch something happy afterwards" you sniffed as you wiped a few more tears away. Joe leaned in and finished wiping your tears "It's a deal" he whispered as he gave you a sweet smile

(This was requested!! Sorry this was a quick story! I hope y'all like it)

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