Eddie - EDDIE NO

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————upside down————

"EDDIE!!!" You shrieked as you watched him fall off of the bike as one of the demobats tackled him to the ground, you heard him scream in pain.

Just as you started running towards Eddie a few of the demobats noticed you and flocked over to you.
"FUCK" you screamed as you swung the bat at one, causing it to fall to the ground.
"STEVE, A LITTLE HELP HERE?!" You yelled. Just as you turned your attention to the other bat everything went black for you.


A day had gone by since you woke up in this hospital bed, the nurses had to calm you down because you were erratic and confused when you woke up. It turns out you had a concussion and gnarly deep claw marks on your stomach from the demobats along with a few other scratches and bruises. The nurses were told you had been in a wild animal attack but you couldn't tell them the truth about what happened.

You noticed a jacket on your lap, it was Eddie's. You brought it up to your face and inhaled his smell. "Why did you have to go and be the hero?!" You cried as you held onto his jacket as you laid in your bed wounded and heart broken. You hadn't really had time to process anything in the last day due to being checked on constantly and sleeping due to your exhaustion.

Someone knocked gently on your door before heading in. You quickly tried to compose yourself to greet whoever was coming in, most likely a nurse you thought to yourself, as if they don't check on you enough already.

Your eyes widened as Eddie walked into your room with a limp "Hi sweetheart" he said with a smile.

You pushed yourself off of the bed, immediately falling back down as the wound on your side throbbed "fuck" you whimpered as you tried to hold back the tears. Eddie sat on the side of the bed before leaning in, his hands caressed your cheek as he sank into a deep kiss. You relaxed your body as your lips joined his, you hummed before Eddie broke the kiss.

He licked his bottom lip as he pulled it in to gently bite down on it, he gave a sweet smile "I'm so glad you're safe" he said.
"Eddie I thought- I thought I'd lost you" you started tearing up as you gripped onto his shirt.
He rested his hand on yours "I know, I thought I lost you too" he looked down ".,do you remember anything?" He asked.
You shook your head no "All I remember was fighting the demobats and then getting knocked out...Then I woke up here with a bandage around my abdomen..." you gestured to the tubes in your arm and hand "...and attached to all of this shit" you added.

Eddie sighed "I know sweetheart, you got hurt pretty bad before we could get you away" he started tearing up "I'm so sorry I couldn't do more" he sniffled.
You squeezed his hand "Eddie" you looked into his big brown eyes "You saved me" you chuckled through your tears "That's more than I could ever ask for" you smiled.
"I thought they had gotten you..." you hesitated.
"I watched them knock you right off of your bike and - and I heard your scream" tears started flooding your eyes as you started remembering what happened. You looked up at him "Oh god, is everyone else okay?" You mind started racing.
"Y/N calm down, breathe" Eddie took a deep breath and waited for you to follow.

After taking a deep breath with him he started talking again "Everyone's okay, a few of us got pretty beat up but we're okay. We were able to get out just in time" he said as he held onto your hand.
"Hey" he said.
You focused your attention back onto him "I'm sorry I just-" you started choking on your words "I really thought you were gone" you managed to spit out before bursting into tears again.
"Move over" he whispered.

You did as you were told and shifted over in the hospital bed, Eddie shifted his body over until he had you wrapped in his arm "I'm not going anywhere" he said as he kissed your cheek "The nurses are going to have to drag me out of this bed themselves if they want to get to you" he teased.
"Promise?" You asked.
"I promise, sweetheart" he said as he brought you in closer.

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