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It had been a long week of filming for Stranger Things, you played the love interest of Eddie Munson, played by Joe Quinn. Today was the day where you filmed his death scene and you weren't looking forward to it. It had been a difficult week for you, mental health wise and filming the last few scenes were really taking a toll on you.

You and Joe had become quite close since day 1 of filming, so to see his character go upset you. The make up artist had just finished up with your make up for the scene, your character was completely bloody and bruised from being tackled by bats in the upside down. One of the crew members knocked on your trailer.
"Y/N, you're up in 5" she said.
"Okay, thank you" you replied.
You got up out of your make up chair, placed your phone down on the counter, and headed to the set.

Once you arrived a couple more hair and makeup artists came over and gave you the final touches for your scene. You approached your mark and looked over at Joe, he smiled sweetly before they called "QUIET ON SET....ACTION!"

You immediately immersed yourself into character "EDDIE!" You yelled from across the set as you watched him fall to the ground. You could feel tears forming in your eyes as you ran towards him, real tears.
The second you got close enough you slid on your knees and pulled him in your arms. You knew it was fake but Joe managed to look like he was in real pain.
"Eddie" your lip quivered "Stay with me, please stay with me" tears started running down your face.
"I didn't run away this time right" he choked.
"I think it' year..." he added. Tears ran down your face at a faster pace as you started crying harder "Please" you said in a shaky voice "You can't leave me" you placed your hand on his cheek. Joe looked into your eyes as Eddie took his final few breaths.
"I love you" he said as he breathed sharply.
"I love you too" you said as your lip shook, you could feel your real heart breaking over this man, god damn was he a good actor. You watched as he took the life out of Eddie's eyes, Eddie was gone now.

You held onto Joe as you pulled him up into your arms, you started crying even harder than before, practically hyperventilating now.
You whispered "I love you, Eddie Munson" as you rocked back and forth "I love you" you whimpered. It wasn't in the script but it's how you felt, you truly love Joe, watching him pretend to die was enough to rip your heart out.

"AND CUT" Someone yelled off set.
You sat up slowly and let go of Joe, he sat up and put his hands on either side of your face and looked into your eyes "Are you okay?" He asked. You lied and shook your head yes.
"You did amazing, Y/N" he smiled "That was brilliant" he said before he got up. You stayed on your knees where you were, leaning over and put your hands on either side of you while you continued to cry. You felt hands on your shoulders "Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked, you turned around and saw it was Maya, you wiped your tears away "Yea" you sniffled "Just caught up in character" you forced a smile.

After a few moments you brought yourself up to your feet and walked over to Sean, the director.
"Did we get it?" You sniffled again.
"Yes! Oh my god Y/N, that was amazing!!" He smiled and brought you in for a big hug.
"That's it until later, go rest, you deserve it kid" he smiled again.
"Thank you" you gave a small smile and headed back to your trailer.

Once inside you closed the door and turned the overhead light off and turned your lamp on. The second you sat down in your couch you started crying again. The stress of this week had finally caught up to you and Joes death scene was the last straw for you, there was no hiding now. You took a few deep breaths and grabbed tissue to wipe your runny nose.

There was a light KNOCK on the door. Before you could answer the door opened, you looked and saw Joe standing there still in his Eddie costume but without the wig.
"Y/N?" He called in a soft voice.
You sniffed "Joe?" You asked.
He closed the door behind him and came over and sat beside you "What's wrong, love?" He asked as he pulled you into his arms.
"Nothing" you lied.
"Y/N... please tell me" he said as he rubbed your back.
"I've..." your voice was shaky "I've had a very bad mental health week" you sniffled "...and todays scene with you, with Eddie, set me off. It hurt me to watch you-Eddie die in my arms" you cried into his shoulder and he continued to rubbed your back.
"Shhhhh... it's okay Y/N" he whispered "I'm right here" he added.

A few minutes had passed, Joe helped you calm down to the point where you were back to breathing normally. He pulled your face up to look into your eyes "Can I tell you something?" He asked. You nodded yes.

"I... I've been meaning to tell you this but I um was waiting to tell you until after our scenes were over just in case...." he looked down at his feet and then back at you "I love you" he said as he kept his eye contact "Not as Eddie, but as me"
You were too stunned to speak, Joe liked you back.
"Joe I....I love you too" tears formed in your eyes again. He gave a big toothy grin and bit his bottom lip, he hooked his finger under your chin and brought you in for a kiss. The second his lips touched yours you felt sparks, your stomach flipped. Finally. You hummed into the kiss before breaking it and looking into his big brown eyes again.
"Let me buy you dinner tonight, whatever you fancy" he said in a soft voice.
You smiled at him "I'd love that"
"Come on, let's go get out of costume" he said as he smiled.

Joseph / Eddie ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now