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Once you were out of costume you heard a knock at the door "Come in!" You yelled. Joe entered the room and smiled "Almost ready?" He asked.
"Yea I just have to find my shoes" you said as you looked for a certain pair. Looking back up at Joe you smiled "Okay, now I'm ready". He grabbed your hand and the two of you headed out the trailer.
"Where to darling?" He asked as the two of you got in his car.
"I'm feeling.... Burgers" you smiled.
"Ugh. Yes I love burgers. I know the perfect spot" he smiled as he started the car.

The two of you drove in silence for a few moments before he broke it "How do you think today went?" he asked.
"Good I think..." you looked out the car window "I don't know, maybe I'm just being hard on myself but I don't think I did very well"
Joe rubbed his hand back and forth on your thigh "Well, I think you did amazing" he said softly as you arrived at your destination. You smiled and started playing with the ring on his right ring finger. As you were about to get out of your car Joe stopped you and ran around and opened your door for you, you smiled and held onto his hand as the two of you approached the restaurant.

Thankfully neither of you were super big celebrities yet so you were still able to enjoy being out without any paparazzi or fans swarming you. As you walked into the restaurant you admired the beautiful decor, it was fancier than somewhere you'd normally go to but it was nice.
"For two" you heard Joe say to the host, you continued to admire the place as the host took you to a private booth, you and Joe sat across from each other and ordered a couple drinks.
"So" he smiled as he looked at you.
"So" you blushed.
"What do you think you'll get?" He asked as he looked up and down at the menu. You scanned the menu for burgers until you found the one that interested you the most and told him.
"Hm that sounds good, maybe I'll give it a go" he smiled.

The waiter came by and took your orders, you and Joe both decided on getting the same food and drinks to share. You thanked the waiter once they came back with your drinks. Joe looked back at you and held up his glass.
"Cheers, to the beautiful and lovely Y/N" he said as he smiled.
"Cheers, to the handsome and charming Joe" you winked before both of you took a sip of your drinks.

The two of you laughed and talked all throughout dinner, when it was time to leave Joe paid the waiter accordingly and assisted you up out of your seat, on the way to the back to his car he grabbed your hand and squeezed tight. Before you were able to grab the handle of the door Joe swung you around and pushed you against his car. Your lips practically touched.
"Come home with me" he whispered.
"I would love nothing more" you smiled as you gave him a peck on the lips. Joe opened your door for you and closed it once you got in. You watched as he hurried to the drivers side and got in.

Joe placed his hand on your lap as he drove, you played with his ring again as you watched the evening traffic. It was a fairly short drive from the restaurant to where Joe was staying.
"We're here" Joe said as he smiled. He got out of the car and opened your door for you. Grabbing your hand he led the way to the elevator, the two of you stepped in and he hit the floor number.
"What would you like to do tonight?" You asked. Joe looked at you with that adorable smile of his "I was thinking we could watch a film?" He said.
"I'd like that" you said. The elevator dinged and the two of you exited, you walked to the door of his place and he unlocked it.
"Ladies first" he said as he pushed the door open for you.

You walked into the apartment, it was very modern looking, you noticed a guitar on a stand beside the television.
"It's just a rental for while we're filming" Joe said as he placed his keys on the counter "I promise you my home in the UK is much more welcoming" he chuckled nervously.
"This is nice" you smiled "...much nicer than my place" you giggled as you made your way to the couch. You watched as Joe rummaged through the cupboards "aha" he said as he opened one door, bringing out two wine glasses.
"Red or white?" He asked as he held up a bottle of each.
"Hmmm red" you said.
Joe poured the two of you a glass of wine each, you smiled at him as you watched him poke out his tongue as he focused. Once they were poured he put the bottle aside and brought over the drinks. He sat beside you and passed you your glass before he cleared his throat.
"To, you Y/N" he held the glass up to toast you.
"To, you Joe" you smiled as you did the same.

Placing the glass on the coffee table you looked back at Joe "I um" you cleared your throat "Where's the washroom?" You asked.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't give you a tour, come on" he said as he jumped up and reached out for your hand. You grabbed his hand and let him lead the way.
"So, this is obviously the living area slash kitchen, then over here" he pulled you through the small hallway "This this is the office" he said as he walked you to the first room on the right "Then over here is my room" he said as he took you across the hall and into his room. It was very warm and cozy in his room.
"And over there is the bathroom, take your time love" he smiled before kissing your cheek and leaving you be. You walked into the bathroom and admired the tile work before quickly going pee. As you washed your hands you looked into the mirror and fixed your hair before going back out.

Walking back into the living room you noticed Joe had adjusted the lighting to fit the vibe better. You walked over to the couch as he was flipping through a streaming service to pick a movie for you two to watch. You sat down next to Joe and got comfortable, he immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you in closely.
"This okay?" He asked softly.
"Yes, more than okay" you hummed.
There were a few moments of silence before Joe spoke "So I was thinking" he paused "How would you feel about seeing more of each other?" He asked as he put his other hand on your lap. You smiled and looked down at his hand before looking back into his big brown eyes.
"I think I'd like that" you said shyly
"Yea?" He asked as he leaned in closer.
"Mhm" you hummed.

You could feel Joe's warm breath on your face seconds before his lips crashed onto yours. Sparks flew and your stomach did flips. You had it down bad for Joe and he was kissing you. YOU. Joe's plump lips moved in perfect rhythm with yours, you hummed into the kiss as he deepened it, brining his hand up to the back of your head. After a few moments of kissing both of you pulled away, he looked into your eyes and smirked.
"Y/N.." he bit his lip "Would you stay the night with me?" He asked.
You screamed internally. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. Okay Y/N play it cool.
"I'd like that" you whispered as you pulled Joe back into a kiss, you could feel him smiling into the kiss.

Joseph / Eddie ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now