Joseph - SURPRISE (smut)

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"Y/N!!!!" Jamie shouted at the bottom of the escalator in the airport. You practically tripped as you dropped your bags down to hug Jamie.
"JAMIE!!" You shrieked as you jumped into his arms "Oh my god it's been too long!" You said as he started swaying you.
"Oh I've missed you dear" he said as he pulled away and looked at you "Ugh. Joe is going to DIE when he sees you" he chuckled.
"I'm very excited" you blushed.
"Come on, let's get you settled" Jamie said as he helped you with your bags.

You and Jamie headed back to the hotel that him and Joe were staying at, Jamie let you place your items in his room so that Joe didn't see.
"What time is the party?" You asked as you put in your favourite pair of earrings.
Jamie looked at his phone "Ummm, 8" he said.
"Perfect, I just need to get dressed and then we can go" you said as you looked through your bag.
"What are you wearing tonight?" Jamie asked.
"Um I'm not sure, I brought a couple options though" you said as you pulled out said options. Jamie walked over to the bed and took a look, he placed his finger over his mouth as he hummed over which outfit you should wear.
"I think this one" he said as he pointed to the black witchy dress.
"Perfect" you said as you grabbed it.

Heading into the bathroom with the dress in hand you slipped out of your comfy airport clothes and stepped into the gorgeous black dress. You did some final touches on your makeup before heading back out into the room.
"Well?" You said as you did a twirl for Jamie.
"Ugh, it's beautiful love. Joe is going to love it" he smiled, he looked down at his phone again "We should get going now, are you ready?" He asked as he collected his things.
"Yes, just need my bag!" You said.

You and Jamie walked out of the hotel room and headed into the car that had been arranged for you two. The venue was only a ten minute car ride from the hotel, but it felt like an hour. You were so excited to see Joe you could barely contain yourself.
"Hello?" Jamie said as he answered his phone "Yes, we're about 2 minutes away..... Mhm... yea she's here" he smiled "Perfect, just keep Joe entertained until then. Thank you" he said before hanging up. He looked at you and smirked "That was management, just making sure our surprise is still on"
"Perfect" you smiled as you pulled up to the venue.

There were people waiting for you guys at the venue, an employee opened the car door and you and Jamie hopped out, each of you thanked the driver and headed into the venue.
"This way" Jamie said as he followed the team. You grabbed onto his arm to make sure you didn't loose him, everyone here seemed to be in a hurry to get places and you weren't about to slow them down.
"Right this way Mr Bower" a man said as he scanned a door open for the two of you.
"Okay now wait here for 30 seconds and then come out" Jamie whispered "That'll give me enough time to get Joe" he smiled. You could feel your heart racing, butterflies formed in your stomach as you got closer to seeing your boyfriend.
"Perfect" you whispered back. Jamie smiled before heading through the curtain door.

Doing as Jamie said you waited and counted to 30 before heading through the curtain, you walked through the curtain revealing a blue and purple lit room, there were people dancing and singing along to the music and everyone was nicely dressed. You saw Jamie and Joe, his back was faced to yours and Jamie's smile widened. You took a few steps before Joe noticed Jamie was looking at someone.

Joe's jaw hit the floor "Y/N?! IS THA- BABY!!!" He yelled as he ran towards you, you wrapped your arms around him as he did the same. He immediately picked you up and swung you around "Oh my god!" He said as he put you down "Oh my god!! I can't believe you're here!" he said as he placed both of his hands on either side of your face.
"I'm here" you giggled.

Joe immediately smashed his lips onto yours, you hummed as you sank into the kiss. He pulled away and looked into your eyes "Oh love, I've missed you so much" he grinned "so so much" he said as he pulled you in for another hug.
"Ohhh my goodness, look at you!" He said as he took a step back, you blushed as your boyfriend looked you up and down.
You giggled "You should talk! Look at you!" You smiled.

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