Joseph - JOE!

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It had been a super long day of filming Eddie's death scene with Joe, it was going on hour 10. To be quite honest you still hadn't recovered from watching him give his last performance, your face was still puffy from crying on set.

You headed to Joe's trailer to ask what the plan for dinner was tonight since you two lived together. As you opened his trailer you called for him "Joe?" You asked. No answer. It was dark inside aside from a lamp in the corner the trailer, you saw a lump on the couch 'that must be him' you thought to yourself.

"Joe, sweetheart" you said softly as you walked over. As you sat beside him you put your hand on his shoulder and rolled him over. You immediately shrieked "JOE?!"
Joe was startled as he woke up to your scream "Wha- what's wrong?!" He asked as he sat up.
You started sobbing profusely. 
"Baby baby baby baby baby" Joe said frantically "what's wrong?" He asked again.
"You- your-" you stuttered as you pointed and tried to tell him about his face.
Joe quickly realized what was happening and immediately embraced you into his arms.
"Oh love, I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep with this make up on" he said as he rubbed your back "Shhhh it's okay" he whispered.

After about 5 minutes Joe was able to calm you down. You finally looked up and into his big brown eyes, his hands cupped your face as he rubbed his thumbs back and forth "Love.." he whispered "You alright now?" He asked.
"Mhm" you nodded as you swallowed the lump in your throat "I'm better now, I'm sorry" you said as you sniffled "I just- I just got startled. I wasn't prepared to see you sleeping still in your make up" you chuckled "I came in here to ask you what you wanted to do for dinner"
"Well, how about I buy us some take out and we go watch a film at home?" He smiled.
"Yea, I'd like that" you hummed.
"Perfect. Now, let me just call Amy to help get this make up off" he chuckled.

————time skip————

Once Joe got his make up off and Amy left, he grabbed your hand and the two of you exited his trailer.
"Where do you want to order from, love?" He asked.
"Hmmm, honestly?" You said as you looked at him "I'd be down for some pasta from our favourite spot near by" you smiled.
"That sounds lovely, would you mind placing the order on the way?" He asked.
"Of course" you said as you hopped in Joe's car.

As you arrived at the restaurant Joe ran in and grabbed your guys' order. He came back into the car and passed you the take out bag "They gave us extra bread with our meal this time" he giggled.
"Oh my god, yes" you said.
Joe put the car back into gear and you headed to your rental apartment.

When you got inside you put the take out bag on the counter and went into the bathroom to wash up before you ate. As you walked back into the kitchen you saw that Joe had already plated the food, he smiled at you "For you" he said as he handed you a plate full of food.
"Thank you" you said as you kissed his cheek.
"Anything for you darling" he smiled "Now, shall we watch a film?" He asked
"Yes! You can pick this time" you said as the two of you took a seat on the couch

You watched as Joe focused on picking a movie, hit little tongue poked out of the side of his mouth as he focused on the television.
"Something scary or something funny?" He asked as he looked at you.
"Something funny, I need a good laugh after that scare that I had earlier" you giggled.
Joe looked back at the television and started up a movie called Hot Fuzz, it was one of your guys' current comfort movies.

"Oh! Would you like a drink?" Joe asked as he stood up.
You swallowed your food quickly "Yes please! I'll just have water" you said.
"Mmm how about wine?" He smirked as he held up two wine glasses.
You giggled "Sure, twist my rubber arm".
You watched as your boyfriend poured the two of you a glass each and brought it over to you and sat down.
"Cheers" Joe said as he smirked
"Cheers to what?" You asked.
Joe paused before speaking "Cheers to you, to us, to our love" she said softly.
You blushed "Cheers to us"

Joseph / Eddie ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now