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"Eddie are you ready?" You asked as you finished putting on your costume.
"Yea" Eddie came out of the bathroom with full vampire makeup on, paired with pointy fangs.
You each took a deep breath as you checked each other out, there was no denying you were attracted to each other but you were always just friends. Fuck. He looked divine.
"You look good!" You said as you tried to hide your obvious crush.
Eddie chuckled, revealing his fake fangs "So do you, being a vampire suits you" he said.
"And you" you bowed. Fuck, why did you just bow, Jesus Christ Y/N control yourself.

"Shall we get going? Dustin and the gang are probably waiting for us" you said as you grabbed your bag.
"Yea, come on" Eddie said as he exited your room. You continued taking deep breaths as you tried to figure out a way to resist the urge to pounce on the man right here and now.

After arriving at Mike's you were greeted by none other than Steve himself, who was dressed as a greaser.
"Hey Y/N" he said as he completely ignored Eddie "Everyone's downstairs, well except for the adults, we're all here upstairs" he smirked before taking a sip of his drink.
"Thanks" you said as you entered the party and headed downstairs.

"Hey, I thought you guys were trick or treating?" You asked.
"Oh yea, we were and then Nancy threw this party and there was no way we were missing it" Mike laughed.
You looked around the room "Well I don't see you actually at the party sooooo" you teased.
Everyone chuckled and Mike scoffed "oh whatever" You looked over at Eddie, who was getting a kick out this.

"Let's go guys, I didn't get dressed up for nothing" Eddie said, suddenly Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max all got up and grabbed their bags.

As you were heading out Steve grabbed your arm "Hey" he said "aren't you staying?"
"No" you said as you kept walking.
"Oh come on Y/N" Steve was clearly drunk, you stopped and smiled as you played into it. You knew Steve liked you but the truth of the matter was you were more interested in Eddie, plus, Steve was always chasing after Nancy and there was no way you felt you could compete with her.
"Be good Steve" you teased as you made your way out of the house.

You caught up to the kids and Eddie, it was a crisp Halloween night, perfect for trick or treating. The walk was quiet between you and Eddie, you could tell something was off but you were too shy to speak up.
"Hey" Eddie whispered "Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked.
"And go where?" You whispered back.
"We could go watch our favourite horror movie back at my place?" He asked as he looked into your eyes.
You smiled "I-I'd like that" you said.

Eddie jogged over to Dustin, who was only about 30 feet away but you couldn't hear what they were saying.
"Alright we're good" Eddie said as he jogged back to you "let's go" he added.

The two of you arrived back at Eddie's with arms full of treats from the gas station and slushies. You entered Eddie's room and put all of the snacks on the dresser as Eddie started up the movie. Your heart started racing as you realized you were alone again with Eddie. After popping the VHS in Eddie turned around and looked into your eyes, you could tell he was nervous about something.
"Are you okay?" You asked "you look pale" you teased, hoping to break whatever sexual tension was between the two of you.
Eddie chuckled as he took a step closer to you "Yea I just- if I'm being honest I wanted to get you alone tonight" he said softly.
"Oh?" You said "why?" You asked.
"To do this" he whispered as he inches closer to you, the space between the two of you closed as he pressed his body against yours, he lifted his hand and gently put it under your chin, tilting it upwards ever so slightly. The butterflies in your stomach exploded as Eddie closed the gap between your guys' lips. Your knees almost gave out as Eddie hummed into the kiss. You have waited for this moment ever since you met him and now it's finally happening.

Joseph / Eddie ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now