Eddie - Y/N MEET EDDIE pt 2

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As you slammed your locker closed you headed out of school. It was a gorgeous fall day so you decided on walking home, it was only about a 20 minute walk.

Tossing your bag in your room you got ready to take a shower. As you started the shower the water sputtered before it got to full pressure, you let the water run for a few moments as you got undressed. The warm water felt amazing against your skin, you closed your eyes at you walked under the shower head and let the water run down your body.

Eddie was the only thing on your mind since that kiss a few days ago. As you remembered his touch you hummed, his soft plump lips felt like magic against yours. You needed more of him, and soon.

Once you were done in the shower you wrapped a towel around your damp body and went back into your room and closed the door behind you. You slipped into sweat pants and a jumper before heading into the kitchen to grab some dinner. It was just you and your dad living in the house, your mom left when you were just a baby.

There was a note on the kitchen counter that read:

Hey Y/N,
Working late again today. I made you some chilli, it's in the fridge!
Love you,

You smiled and turned to the fridge to open it, before you could the phone rang, startling you.
"Hello?" You answered.
"Hi um- may I speak to Y/N?" The voice asked.
You were a little confused because the only people you had given your number to in this town were Mike and Dustin.
"Speaking" you said hesitantly.
You could hear a sigh of relief "Oh good" they said.
"Hi, it's Eddie" you could hear him smiling over the phone "I hope it's okay but um Dustin gave me your number" he chuckled.
Biting your bottom lip you smiled "Yea that's okay" you said as you screamed internally.
"Good good" Eddie said "So um I was wondering..." he paused "If I could maybe take you out one night?" He asked.
Holy fucking shit. Yes times a million.
"I would love that" you said with a grin.
"Great" Eddie paused "How about tonight?" He asked.
You looked at the left over dinner on the counter "I'd like that" you said softly.

After giving Eddie your address you hung up the phone and shrieked, you couldn't believe you were going out with Eddie fucking Munson. You quickly ran to your room and got dressed into something more comfortable. As you were finishing up in the bathroom you heard a knock at the door, which startled you. Eddie! You thought.

You quickly ran down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step before heading to the front door. You took a final deep breath before opening the door, your heart was pounding, you were so fucking nervous but excited to spend an evening with Eddie.

As you opened the door, Eddie stood on the porch with a smile "Hey" he said.
"Hi" you blushed "I um just need to grab my bag, do you want to come in for a minute?" You asked.
"Sure" Eddie said as he stepped forward, your heart was pounding out of your chest.

"Okay now I'm ready" you said as you swung your bag over your shoulder before locking the door behind the two of you. Eddie grabbed your arm as you were about to walk away, he quickly spun you into his arms and placed a kiss on your lips. You hummed say you immediately sank into the kiss, his warm lips moved perfectly in sync with yours. He pulled away slowly and looked into your eyes "I've been wanting to do that ever since I dropped you off from Skull Rock" he whispered.
"I feel the same" you said as you smiled.

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