Chapter 8

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We met a tengu that is currently on patrol duty

Though she is a variant of the tengu if I presume it right... To be accurate she is a tiangou which is a dog version of the tengu, though I don't know how they relate I won't question it

she wears a white, long-sleeved shirt, and a large black skirt with red flame-like designs reaching up from the bottom of the skirt, and it has a white layer below her skirt. She has short light silver hair and wears a red tokin. She holds a large scimitar-like sword and a white, round shield with a red maple leaf print on it.

 She holds a large scimitar-like sword and a white, round shield with a red maple leaf print on it

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[Momiji Inubashiri]

Momiji: an Oni?! and Kasen

Kasen: Momiji, nice to see you again

Momoji: same, but why are you with an Oni? Did she have something to talk to Boss?! I should tell them...

Ibaraki: not just call Aya Shameimaru for me

Momoji: ahh... So it's her, okay I will tell her that you are needed here!

She then left to fetch Aya probably I hope or else I'm going to burn this mountain-

Geez... My thought can go to 100% violence

I should have candy to make me think of sweet things

Kasen: is it a bother?

Ibaraki: living with this curse?

Kasen: yes...

Ibaraki: it's very bothering it's like I could just kill everyone and destroy things left and right

Ibaraki: I don't have control over my thoughts and actions

Ibaraki: to be blunt I feel like a puppet being forced to do violent things... And I despise it

Ibaraki: Can you teach me?

Kasen: what do you want me to teach?

Ibaraki: having a stronger mentality like meditations and other stuff

Kasen: hmm... Okay, where do you live?

Ibaraki: right now? I'm currently living in a hoard- magicians house

Kasen: is it Marisa Kirisame?

Ibaraki: I guess the newspaper has tons of influence

Kasen: you have no idea...

Ibaraki: I guess it's not the first time she ticks someone off if I guess it right

Kasen: yeah...

Ibaraki: that's good then

Kasen: why?

Ibaraki: I could beat her up without consequences

Ibaraki: though if I lost my control again use this...

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