Chapter 87

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Well, I was trying to take it easy, but inspiration struck me out of nowhere, and here I am, reluctantly sharing it with you. Can you believe it? Nah, it's probably not that good anyway. But hey, I guess I'll give it a shot and see how it turns out.


Determined to assist Altrogue amidst her constant battles against extremist vampires in her region, Ibaraki took it upon herself to hunt some tuna as a thoughtful gesture. However, Altrogue, ever the independent and self-reliant individual, repeatedly assured Ibaraki that she would be fine and that there was no need to go out of her way.

Despite Altrogue's reassurances, Ibaraki's desire to provide a delicious meal for her persisted. The thought of a mouthwatering catch, preserved and waiting for Altrogue upon her return, fueled Ibaraki's eagerness. In the Eastern Atlantic Sea, Ibaraki knew that she possessed the ability to effortlessly dive into the depths, her lancer form allowing her to navigate the waters with grace. Little did she expect, however, that the tuna she sought would be larger than humans, presenting her with a new challenge.

Unfazed by the size of her prey, Ibaraki's determination only grew. With her unwavering resolve and her skills honed from countless battles, she ventured into the depths of the Eastern Atlantic Sea, her focus solely on catching a prized tuna. The powerful currents embraced her as she swam, each stroke propelled by her desire to succeed.

As she delved deeper, the ocean revealed its wonders, captivating Ibaraki with its awe-inspiring beauty. Schools of fish danced around her, their vibrant colors a testament to nature's artistry. Yet, Ibaraki remained undeterred, her eyes fixed on her goal.

As the swimming contest between Ibaraki and the tuna commenced, it became apparent that the tuna far outclassed her in terms of speed. Frustration welled up within Ibaraki, and her anger reached its peak. In a moment of recklessness, she contemplated evaporating the entire ocean, driven by her desire to prove her worth. However, before she could act on her destructive impulse, Yukari swiftly intervened, bonking Ibaraki on the head with her fan.

With a simple snap of her fan, Yukari halted the tuna in its tracks, causing it to seemingly perish. Yukari's words carried a stern tone as she reprimanded Ibaraki for her rash and dangerous behavior. "Don't you know you could have just asked for help?" she questioned, her voice laced with a mix of disappointment and concern.

Ashamed of her actions, Ibaraki hung her head in remorse. "My apologies. I let my ego get the best of me," she admitted with a heavy sigh. It was a stark reminder that she often overestimated her capabilities and relied too heavily on brute force. The incident served as a humbling experience, reminding her of the importance of seeking assistance and acknowledging her limitations.

Yukari tenderly lifted Ibaraki from the water, her embrace enveloping her in warmth and comfort. Even though both of them were now soaked, it didn't matter in the slightest. Yukari's sincere gaze met Ibaraki's, conveying a depth of affection and concern.

"Ibaraki, please remember that you can rely on us more," Yukari spoke softly, her voice filled with genuine care. At that moment, Ibaraki felt the sincerity behind her words and the unwavering support that lay within their relationship.

Ibaraki returned Yukari's gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and affection. And then, with a sense of vulnerability, she revealed a secret that she had kept hidden within her heart. "In truth, I already rely on all of you," she confessed, her voice carrying a hint of emotion. "Your presence, every one of you, keeps me grounded and sane. You make me believe that everything will be alright, that I am not alone in this vast world."

The weight of those unspoken feelings lifted from Ibaraki's shoulders as she continued, her voice growing stronger. "I wanted to show my appreciation through my actions, to demonstrate just how much I cherish each one of you. I want you all to know that you can rely on me just as much as I rely on you. Together, we form an unbreakable bond."

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