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Scar's POV
As I slowly regained consciousness, I could distinctly hear the sound of sirens around the vicinity. At first I thought I was imagining things that I wanted to see and hear but the moment he burst through the door looking like a crazed being, I knew I had a chance of survival.

"You think that with the cops outside that you're saved. I'll kill you before they even get close to the door". With that he grabbed me by the neck with the blade of the knife he was holding firmly pressed against me drawing blood little by little.

But before he could do any damage,the door burst open and the next thing I heard was a gunshot.

I heard ringing sounds next and everywhere was white. At first I thought I was the one that was shot and I had died and gone to heaven. WRONG. But a girl can only dream.

Firstly, I didn't feel any pain.

Secondly, I could very well see my chest rising and falling with each breath I took.

Thirdly, the pressure that was in my neck was no longer there.

I think that's enough reason to assure myself that I wasn't dead. Then if I wasn't dead, who was.

That's when I remembered the position I was in before the gunshot was heard, when it dawned on me to look back.

Although I was kidnapped,tortured and almost killed by the man, I cried when I saw the bullet that passed through his forehead in between his eyes.

There was no life in his eyes signaling that he was dead. I know I should feel happy, relieved but then I couldn't help the fact by being sad at the realization that Mitchy had lost her only family left.

When I was finally brought out of the building, an enormous weight crushed me in a hug. I looked up and I saw Mitchy in all her glory. She looked different and stressed.

She embraced me again and kept chanting over and over again that she was sorry. I was about to ask her what happened, when the drowsiness hit and I lost consciousness. AGAIN.
But one thought hit me before I fully lost it. IT WAS FINALLY OVER.


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