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Scar's POV

The day had finally arrived for me to get on that plane and start a new chapter of my  life.

I haven't still heard from Mitch and I think I've left her a tonne of voice mails. Yet, no reply.

Its either she's in one of her lockdown stages that she usually has when she wants to shut the whole world out or she's in trouble.

I'll just have to wait and find out.

I was carrying the last of my bags out the door when the cab that wastotake me to the airport arrived.

The driver loaded my things into the trunk of the car and as he did that I took one last longing look at my house with a resolve in mind.

I'll be back and I'll be here with no more losses to count.

At the airport now, I was waiting for my plane to board. I had already checked in my bags, and the little carry on I was holding.

I decided I wanted a chocolate mint latte because why not. Its my utmost favorite. And don't forget how oreos go with it. Guess what, I had some oreos in my bag.

Like how would I travel and I'm holding a bag and there won't be oreos then you do no know who I am.

Leaving the cafe in the airport, I bumped into someone, more like a wall.

My latte poured on the floor and so did my cookies. I literally almost, almost cried out.

I didn't know which don't to let go. But the latte was already far gone. There was nothing I could do.

I picked up what I could pick up from the cookies and left the rest to the fate of the shoes of the people in the airport.

As I watched them get crushed, I said a word of prayer for the satisfaction they were meant to give but never fulfilled their purpose.

While all this was going on, I totally forgot about the person I bumped into. He or she couldn't say sorry or at least join me to mourn such delicious delicacies.

I walked back to the cafe and for my another latte and I was watching where I was going so as not to have another mourning session.

As I finished up my latte. My flight was called. Picking up my carry on bag, I made my way to boarding area. On getting into the plane, I was so happy to find that it was a window seat.

My uncle knows me so well.

Unknown POV
I was walking in the airport after getting off from my flight, just to bump into the one person I didn't want to meet.

I had just committed a great evil that brought me so much satisfaction. Hence, why I was even in the airport in the first place.

She was to focused on her snacks to even notice who I was, unless all plans would have wasted.

Well, I'll just have to wait and see what she thinks of the surprise I left her.

What do  you think is the surprise
Who was that
What if he's a hunk of a dude
What if.... All these what ifs are tiring
Send in your opinions and comments.
Love Tjex

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